雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港中學文憑考試(英語: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination,縮寫為 HKDSE 或稱 HKDSE Examination ),慣稱「文憑試」或「 DSE 」,是香港考試及評核局自2012年起舉辦的公開考試,為六年制中學的畢業試。

  2. 2024年5月18日 · 香港中學文憑考試 (英語: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination , 縮寫 為 HKDSE 或稱 HKDSE Examination ),慣稱「 文憑試 」或「 DSE 」,是 香港考試及評核局 自2012年起舉辦的公開考試,為六年制中學的畢業試。. 該考試是 三三四高中教育改革 的一部分。.

  3. 由2025年文憑試起考生須應考由相關官方機構 (考試提供機構)在香港舉辦的指定語言考試並直接向考試行政機構報名參加有關考試各官方語言考試設有不同的成績匯報制度考生成績若達到指定或更高的語言能力水平便會獲列入文憑試證書為丙類科目成績。 按此 了解詳情。 有關歷屆文憑試統計資料,可 按此 瀏覽 。 如想了解更多有關文憑試資料,可下載以下小冊子﹕. 香港中學文憑考試簡介小冊子. 香港中學文憑考試 — 評級程序與水平參照成績匯報. 香港中學文憑考試 — 校本評核簡介小冊子. 香港中學文憑考試 — 校本評核分數調整機制小冊子. 香港中學文憑考試 — 質素保證框架. 為增加公眾了解文憑試,考評局製作一系列短片,可 按此 瀏覽。 註:

    • Background and Administration
    • Subjects
    • School-Based Assessment
    • Grading
    • Marking
    • Top Scorers' Schools
    • Admission to Local Universities
    • Impact on Schools
    • Criticism

    Under the NSS, a number of subjects in the HKCEE and the HKALEhave been combined to suit the varying interests and talents of students. School pupils study both core (compulsory) subjects and elective subjects. Most candidates in the HKDSE sit all four core subjects plus two or three electives to satisfy local university admission requirements. In ...

    HKDSE subjects are offered in three different categories, including 24 in Category A: NSS (Traditional), over 40 in Category B: ApL (Applied Learning) and six in Category C: Other Languages.

    School-based Assessments(SBA) are conducted for the majority of subjects for school candidates, which notably includes three of the four core subjects, Chinese Language, English Language and Liberal Studies, with the exception of Mathematics, it reduces reliance on a one-off public examination as students' projects and assignments throughout senior...

    For Category A subjects, the performance of candidates is categorised and released on a scale of seven levels indicated on the examination certificate. Level 5** being the highest and level 1 the lowest. Distinction levels 5** and 5* (read as "five-double-stars" and "five-star") are awarded to the two best-performing groups of candidates attaining ...

    In the criterion-referenced grading system, experts in relevant subject matters establish the marking standards for each level. Thereafter, level descriptors and examples are set and constantly reviewed based on syllabus objectives and statistical data, including exam statistics and candidate answer scripts. Gradings produced by a criterion-referen...

    As of 2023, there are only 38 schools that have ever produced top scorers in HKDSE. 7 x 5** "Top Scorers" are candidates who obtained perfect scores of 5** in each of the four core subjects and three electives. 8 x 5** "Super Top Scorers" are candidates who obtained seven Level 5** in four core subjects and three electives, and an additional Level ...

    The HKDSE is designed for local secondary school students in Hong Kong to measure their achievement and to enable them to gain admission to local universities through the unified Joint University Programmes Admissions System(JUPAS). International qualifications, like IB Diploma, IGCSE, GCE A-levels and IALs, OSSD, and SAT/AP, on the other hand, are...

    One notable impact on schools in Hong Kong is the discontinued need for sixth form colleges due to the cancellation of HKALE and upper sixth. Nevertheless, some of these colleges, such as PLK Vicwood KT Chong Sixth Form College, remain in operation as senior secondary schools.

    Unbalanced focus

    The HKDSE is criticised for placing too much emphasis on the four core subjects, causing some students to neglect the elective subjects. Tsui Lap-chee, then president of the University of Hong Kong at the introduction of HKDSE, commented: "The Education Bureau demands universities [to screen pupils by] setting the so-called 3322as minimum entry requirement for undergraduate programmes — aka a minimal of grade 3 in Chinese and English Languages, and a minimal of grade 2 in Mathematics and Libe...

    Hindrance to admission

    Since the launch of the HKDSE, the Chinese language paper is often dubbed the "paper of death" (Chinese: 死亡之卷).Some have the opinion that the high expectation is well-founded since it is the main language used in daily life in Hong Kong, but every year nearly half of all candidates fail the subject. They hence lose the chance to gain entrance to a university because of the obligatory "3322" requirement, even though tertiary education in Hong Kong is delivered in English. “3322” refers to leve...

    2020 arrangements due to the COVID-19 outbreak

    The spread of COVID-19 in Hong Kong caused the Education Bureau (EDB) and HKEAA to remodel the 2020 HKDSE. At a press conference held on 6 February announcing the alternative plans, the Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung said that all oral and practical examinations to be held before 27 March would be postponed. He went on further to mention two different options then considered by the Bureau and the HKEAA. One of them was that written exams would take place on 27 March as scheduled, whereas...

  4. 香港考試及評核局 - 香港中學文憑. 文憑試診斷回饋系統. 考評局開發的文憑試診斷回饋系統 (DFS) ,結合文憑試多個科目選擇題的試題庫,教師可按年份、內容領域、難度等來組合試卷,分派予學生進行評核,再取得診斷報告,報告除設有估算級別,還提供學科專家就學生答錯的題目撰寫重點考核知識與提示。 歡迎學校訂購有關服務,詳情可 按此 瀏覽。 2024香港中學文憑考試《考生手冊》現已上載至考評局網頁。 按此 了解各項考試規則、程序及指引,亦可參閱 相關網誌 ,了解《考生手冊》的重要資訊與更新。 香港中學文憑本地及國際認可. 香港中學文憑一直是高中學生於本地升學或負笈海外,以及投入職場的重要資歷。 除本地大專院校,多間內地和全球不同國家/地區的高等院校亦已接受學生以文憑試成績直接申請報讀。

  5. 2018年8月23日 · 定義. 香港中學文憑考試(DSE)是因應334高中教育改革,於2012年開始舉辦的公開試。 在新學制下,所有學生可修讀3年初中及3年高中,完成6年中學課程後可參加DSE文憑試課程比中學會考多一年,但較高級程度會考短一年。 知多些. 大部分學校考生報考4個核心科(中國語文、英國語文、數學及通識教育)及2至3個選修科目。 考生可從甲類高中科目;乙類應用學習科目或丙類其他語言科目選取選修科目。 甲類科目分為5個等級(1至5級),第5級最高等級。 獲第5級的考生中表現最佳者會獲「5**」,隨後表現較佳則以「5*」標示。 表現低於第1級的會標示為「不予評級」。 DSE. 請選擇文章. 香港中學文憑考試(DSE)是因應334高中教育改革,於2012年開始舉辦的公開試。

  6. 香港中學文憑考試 ( 英文 : Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination ,縮寫: HKDSE ),口講通常叫「文憑試」或「DSE」,係 香港考試及評核局 (考評局)舉辦嘅公開考試,考試獲得嘅成績作為升學或申請工作嘅條件,專上院校需要喺香港中學文憑考試成績達到最低要求先至可以報讀,亦有啲工作職位需要喺香港中學文憑考試達到指定成績先至可以申請。 因應 三三四高中教育改革 ,考評局由 2012年 開始每年舉辦香港中學文憑考試,用嚟取代舊有嘅兩個公開考試— 香港中學會考 同埋 香港高級程度會考 。 文憑試係完成中學階段(中六)嘅公開試,課程內容比中學會考多咗一年,但係比香港中學預科嘅香港高級程度會考少咗一年。 簡介.

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