雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This way of making paper from raw materials was common until as recently as 100 years ago, when mass-manufactured foreign paper became more common due to its quick production times and lower costs. Although there are only a few homes where washi is still produced today, the technique has experienced a renaissance in the modern age of environmental awareness.

  2. The 25 meter-high Daimon Gate welcomes visitors into this World Heritage site, dedicated to esoteric Buddhism. Stroll through some 1,200 years of history in this vast, peaceful complex, with over 100 temples scattered throughout the grounds.

  3. The 10,000-strong mob compete fiercely to win the luck. The main hall of the temple is the site of the event climax — the throwing of the shingi sticks. The mass of semi-naked men writhe in waves of motion. Each year on the third Saturday of February (February 16 in 2019) men gather in Saidaiji Temple in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture.

  4. 推薦長度: 1 日 神戶是文化最為兼容並蓄的日本都市之一,從大阪和京都搭火車前往都十分方便。 神戶這個港口城市鮮明的異國風情,只是其魅力的開端。在神戶著名的異人館漫步,也就是在外國人住宅間感受東西文化的融合,乘搭纜車登上神戶布引 ...

  5. Dogo Onsen is located in the main tourist hub of Matsuyama and is a five-minute walk from the Dogo Onsen tram stop along a bustling shopping arcade. If you are heading to Dogo from JR Matsuyama Station, take the #5 tram. You'll get there in about 30 minutes. You can also take the nostalgic Botchan train, modeled after a steam locomotive.

  6. A museum for everyone who loves paper and knows its magic. When the Paper Museum first opened in Oji, Tokyo in 1950, it was built on the same ground where one of Japan's first manufacturers of Western-style paper stood. Later moved to Asukayama Park, the museum continues to celebrate the history, charm and versatility of paper.

  7. 探索尾瀨國家公園的高原濕地,走在空中木棧道上,飽覽稀有野生生物和壯觀的綠原花海。 木棧道蜿蜒在尾瀨高原濕地之間,沿途的景色美不勝收。踏上這些步道,即可欣賞到各種優美風景,像是大片綠原花海、稀有動植物,以及飛流直下、高達 100 公尺的瀑布。

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