雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We provide the latest TT and currency notes exchange rates, e.g. for CNY, USD, GBP, AUD, CAD and THB. Use our currency calculator converter for exchange rate conversion Logon

  2. 恒生銀行提供最新外幣電匯及現鈔兌換價, 包括人民幣、美元﹑英鎊﹑澳元﹑加元﹑泰銖等外幣匯率價格,並有外幣兌換計算機助你輕鬆獲取匯率換算結果。.

  3. 透過電匯兌換價一覽表查閱最新電匯價,亦提供外幣匯率走勢圖助你了解外幣匯率走勢,涵蓋多款外幣包括人民幣﹑歐羅、日圓等。.

  4. The actual exchange rate applied to each transaction will be decided by the Bank according to the real-time market price of the currency pair and the Bank’s comprehensive costs. And Foreign Exchange involves Exchange Rate Risk. Fluctuations in the exchange rate of a foreign currency may result in gains or losses.

  5. XE 貨幣轉換器. 歡迎使用全球最值得信賴的貨幣工具。 轉換 匯款 圖表 通知. 金額. 1.00$ USD - 美元. EUR - 歐元. Looking to make large transfers? We can beat competitor rates. Contact us. 轉換. 我們的轉換器會使用匯率中間價。 這僅供參考。 您匯款時不會獲得此匯率。 查看匯款匯率。 即時匯率. 即時比較 100 多種貨幣並找到適當的轉帳時機. 反向轉換. 金額. 變更(24 小時) 圖表(24 小時) 編輯. 美元. 1. 新增貨幣. Unable to retrieve fresh rates at this time. Please try again later.

  6. Compare Hang Seng HKD to USD exchange rate with other providers. Wise uses the REAL exchange rate and charges a low, transparent fee.

  7. Get the latest currency exchange rates. You can use this calculator to see the indicative exchange rates between currency pairings, such as HKD to USD. But for even better rates available to you, please log on to HSBC Online Banking.

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