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  1. 2019年6月16日 · The text goes into detail about hatha yoga, including information about asanas, pranayama (breath), and chakras (energy centers of the body). There are fifteen main poses listed in the book – both seated and standing poses. Also included are other postures for a total of 84 different asanas.

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    哈達的梵文為 Hatha,意味著力量、能量。在梵語詞彙中 Ha 意指「太陽」,Tha 則意指「月亮」。古老瑜珈者跟隨著太陽與月亮的作息靜修,將身體作為一個能量的渠道,藉由動作練習來達到能量平衡,也就是所謂的「陰陽平衡」、「日月平衡」。因此,哈達瑜珈被理解為一種結合體位法與呼吸法的派別,搭配均勻的呼吸跟長時間的動作停留,去喚醒練習者對身體的覺察。哈達瑜珈的原則其實很單純,就是練習者將身體回到正確的姿勢,利用呼吸法專注在當下,能量在體內流動以後最終進入冥想三摩地的狀態。

    據考古學者的出土物發現,在五千多年前就有瑜珈的存在。以演化史劃分,瑜珈可區分為吠陀時期、婆羅門時期、古典時期,最後來到現代時期。而講到哈達瑜珈的起源,就必須提到古典時期!古典時期大約為西元前 100 年至西元 500 年,大家所知的《瑜珈經》就是古典時期的重要文獻,為哈達瑜珈畫下基礎的輪廓。將時間再推進一點來到西元 1300,哈達瑜珈已稍稍有所發展。一直到後古典時期,約莫 15 世紀,瑜珈大師斯瓦特瑪拉瑪(Svatmarama)著作《哈達瑜珈之光》,給予哈達瑜珈一套完整的系統:動作體式、呼吸調息、身印手印、以及內在修煉與三摩地。 哈達瑜珈的好處根據《哈達瑜珈之光》,哈達瑜珈的練習是為了喚醒身體的能量,使練習者達到身心靈健康且和諧的狀態。但到底該如何喚醒身體的能量呢?斯瓦特瑪拉瑪提供了三要素:...

    1. 樹式(Tree Pose)

    樹式,顧名思義就是如一棵大樹般站立不動,是初學者必學的體式之一。練習者能快速找到腳掌往下扎根的穩定力,加上背部必須維持延展,有利於改善駝背、聳肩等不良姿勢。 1. 預備姿勢:先來到山式。動作進入:彎曲右膝蓋,右手扣住右腳踝 2. 吸氣:右大腿外旋,將右腳掌貼穩在大腿根部 3. 吐氣:左腳持續有力的踩穩在墊子,最後雙手合十於胸前

    2. 駱駝式(Camel Pose)

    駱駝式是哈達瑜珈中一個經典的後彎體式,主要為展開身體前側,喚醒脊椎與胸椎的活動度,非常適合作為早晨瑜珈的練習。時常肩頸痠痛、下背不適的人,也很推薦練習駱駝式! 1. 預備姿勢:跪立起身,雙膝打開與髖同寬。腳背貼穩於地面 2. 動作進入:雙手放於薦椎,肩膀向後轉開 3. 吸氣:大腿往前推,胸口向上延伸 4. 吐氣:慢慢地讓雙手往下找腳跟,頭向後仰

    3. 蝴蝶式(Butterfly Pose)

    久坐族或是長時間站立者,髖關節容易緊繃,練習蝴蝶式能充分放鬆髖關節的僵硬,還能促進下半身的血液循環,連帶消化系統也會一併被改善。 預備姿勢:坐在地面上。雙腳打開,腳掌相對,盡可能地讓腳跟靠近身體 1. 動作進入:雙手放在腳踝上方,視線看向前方 2. 吸氣:脊柱延展,身體向前方延伸,想像胸口要去找地板 3. 吐氣:彎曲手肘,使上半身完全趴下,頭頂點地

  2. Hatha is one of the oldest forms of Yoga practice from South Asia, which can be traced back to over 2000 years ago. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the most influential scriptures of Hatha Yoga, it states that Hatha Yoga must include posture ( Yoga asanas ), breathwork ( pranayama ), and meditation ( dhyana ).

  3. 2022年11月5日 · Below you’ll find 15 popular Hatha yoga poses you will most likely find yourself practicing if you go to a Hatha class. When practicing each pose, make sure to take you time getting into and out of each one, and utilize any props that best suit your needs. Hold each pose for around 5 breaths.

  4. 2022年7月1日 · Hatha yoga, the foundation of most styles, offers accessible postures to gently stretch, strengthen, and cultivate mindful self-connection. Breathe, explore the 15 core asanas, and build your own practice, step by step. From downward dogs to sun salutations to balancing asanas, you have probably done hatha yoga poses without even knowing it.

  5. 2020年11月24日 · Hatha yoga asanas are the specific bodily positions that aim to open energy channels and psychic centers of the body. Beyond stretching and other physical effects, hatha yoga asanas have psychological means – It makes Prana moves freely. Prana flowing without any obstacle is the only key to a disease-free body.

  6. 2024年1月22日 · Key Takeaways. The essence of Hatha Yoga offers a welcoming starting point for beginners seeking balance and wellness. Beginner hatha yoga poses are designed to introduce the fundamentals of yoga in an accessible manner. A hatha yoga pose guide serves as a roadmap to build confidence and capability in the practice.

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