Tax Rates. Tax rates for the latest 7 years. Profits Tax. Property Tax. Salaries Tax. Personal Assessment. Annual Income level at which salaries taxpayers approach the standard rate zone.
薪俸税及個人入息課税税率. 分享:. 檢視薪俸税及個人入息課税税率前,可先了解怎樣計算你的應繳税款。. 本文還列出標準税率及臨近須按標準税率繳税的每年入息水平。. 若要確實是按標準税率或累進税率計算應繳税款,你須使用由税務局製作的簡單税款 ...
計算税款. 若要計算應繳的薪俸税款或個人入息課税税款,請按有關課税年度的連結, 然後在輸入頁選擇你的婚姻狀況,輸入總入息等資料。 完成輸入後,按底部的「計算」按鈕,另一個畫面便會出現,並列出你的估計應繳税款。 計算薪俸税. 按目前法例. 2024/25 2023/24 2022/23 2021/22 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19. 計算個人入息課税. 按目前法例. 2024/25 2023/24 2022/23 2021/22 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19. 計算薪俸税及個人入息課税.
Average Exchange Rates of Major Foreign Currencies for Profits Tax Purposes. For the year 2024/25. For the year 2023/24. For the year 2022/23. For the year 2021/22. For the year 2020/21. For the year 2019/20. For the year 2018/19. For the year 2017/18.
Income tax rates are the percentages of tax that you must pay. The rates are based on your total income for the tax year. Your income could include: salary or wages. a Work and Income benefit. schedular payments. interest from a bank account or investment. earnings from self-employment. money from renting out property. overseas income.
適用於法團的税率. (1) 2023/24年度利得税税款的100%可獲寬減,每宗個案以3,000元為上限。. (2) 2022/23年度利得税税款的100%可獲寬減,每宗個案以6,000元為上限。. (3) 2021/22年度利得税税款的100%可獲寬減,每宗個案以10,000元為上限。. (4) 2020/21年度利得税税款的100%可獲 ...
Here you can know more about the tax rates of profits tax for different years of assessment, including profits tax related to corporations, unincorporated businesses and non-resident entertainers and sportsmen.
There are changes to how you calculate the full alternate rate from 1 April 2024. Our Fringe benefit tax guide - IR409 has these details. Non-attributed benefits are pooled, and a flat rate is applied: For shareholder employees 63.93%. For all other employees 49.25%.
Under the two-tiered profits tax rates regime, the profits tax rate for the first $2 million of assessable profits will be lowered to 8.25% (half of the rate specified in Schedule 8 to the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO)) for corporations and 7.5% (half of the standard rate) for unincorporated businesses (mostly partnerships and sole ...