雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Title Citi Appoints Head of Corporate Bank for Hong Kong_English Author Teo, Madeleine [ESPA] Created Date 6/25/2024 11:41:16 PM

  2. Title. Citi appoints Joy Cheng as Head of Citi Commercial Bank for Hong Kong-Eng. Author. Dorce, Soraya [GPA] Created Date. 2/20/2024 9:51:29 AM.

  3. 認識避險資產. 市場變幻莫測,有時真係會令人唔清醒,突然間見個市咁興奮,有啲人就會想全倉都係風險高嘅資產,盡地一舖搏一搏!. 但係呢種YOLO式嘅玩法未必人人適合,YOLO即係「You only live once」您只活一次,形容非常進取冒險嘅投資取態去到盡,來換取更 ...

  4. 食買玩專家. 同居係試煉抑或考驗? 正所謂「相見好同住難」,情侶平時拍拖幾咁糖黐豆,但講到同居生活就係第二個世界,對情侶絕對係一大考驗! 不過咁,只要預早喺呢幾方面達成共識,同居生活自然會順利得多,感情甚至會提昇到另一層次! 融入1+1生活. 平時喺屋企無拘無束生活,之但係決定同居後,就要有心理準備融入對方世界。 同居後,可能您會發現對方唔少壞習慣,例如污糟衫周圍放、食完飯唔洗碗、雪櫃經常唔閂門等等;同時大家生活小習慣亦可能會充斥住矛盾,好似一個習慣開住燈瞓覺,一個就一定要全黑先瞓到覺,所以除咗學識包容同接受對方,自己亦要願意為對方作出改變! 分擔家務責任. 由細到大喺屋企做慣少爺同小姐,所有嘢有屋企人執手尾,但同居後自己家務就要自己做。

  5. Open a Citigold Private Client and a Citi NextGen account to enjoy up to HK$65,300 rewards. Apply Now > Refer your Friends, and earn Rewards. Citigold Private Client is offered exclusive access to private banking and wealth management services worldwide. Achieve your financial goals with us.

  6. Hong Kong – Citi Hong Kong announced today the results of the 2021 Citi Journalistic Excellence Award (CJEA). In its 12th year in Hong Kong, CJEA encourages and recognizes excellence in business and financial journalism around the world.

  7. Want to make a general enquiry about Citibank, get an application form, request a service, or simply express your views about our site? Enjoy doing it here, online and hassle-free.

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