雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年12月16日 · Every December 12, all eyes are on Kiyomizudera Temple in Kyoto where the "Kanji of the Year" is revealed, voted on by the whole country. Seihan Mori, the head abbot of the temple, took his usual place in front of a blank board on the site’s famous balcony, raised a large brush, and began the strokes that revealed the top character for 2020.

  2. 2020年9月26日 · Around this time of year, a coveted prize is awarded within a niche industry in Japan: the Laundromat-of-the-Year-Award. It’s presented at an industry fair in Tokyo known as the International Coin-Operated Laundry EXPO where excellence in laundromats is recognized within various categories.

  3. 2020年12月28日 · For 2020, a lot of new words sprung up into everyday conversation such as "social distance," "lockdown," and "stay home," previously unused in Japanese day-to-day life, which was why it was a huge surprise when Sanseido announced the 2020 Word of the Year was ぴえん (pien). Pien is a word used mostly by young girls on social media to denote ...

  4. 2021年10月6日 · 日本おもてなし再升級! 東京澀谷公廁「THE TOKYO TOILET」新面貌 | All About Japan. (撮影:永禮賢、照片提供:日本財團) 將西方發明的免治馬桶融入日常生活,這次日本獨有的廁所美學又有了新創舉。 2021年夏天,這間藉由開關門,玻璃便會轉為不透明的東京某處「透明」廁所,在網路上引爆了話題討論。 其實透明廁所來歷並不簡單,不僅出自日本知名建築大師 坂茂 之手,更是日本財團(THE NIPPON FUNDATION)主導的公共建設企劃「THE TOKYO TOILET」的一部分。 關於「THE TOKYO TOILET」計畫.

  5. 2020年11月12日 · | All About Japan. 深度日本:时尚且必备! 日本人为什么离不开手帕? Judy Yu 2020年11月12日 更新. 深度日本. 来到日本你是否有发现,日本人使用手帕的比例很高? 商店内也总是会贩卖各式各样精致的手帕。 对于观光客而言,或许是一样带有日本风格的伴手礼小物,但对于当地人而言,手帕不单单只是好看的伴手礼,更是日常生活中使用频繁的生活用品之一。 在生活中的主要场合,手帕更是不可或缺的单品,而根据场合的不同,所选用的花样到材质也都有学问,手帕可说是体现日本人平时生活习惯的一项必备用品。 时尚配饰,也是生活必需. https://pixta.jp/photo/54138160. 来到日本旅游时,或许会注意到很多服饰或杂货小店都会贩卖手帕。

  6. 這座高約4公尺的衝浪皮卡丘雕像,設置於分隔商場南北兩側的海灣通路(Harbor Street的時鐘廣場而為了紀念衝浪皮卡丘雕像的誕生於2020年1月25日星期六還舉辦了一場揭幕活動與皮卡丘遊行

  7. 2016年1月19日 · Whether you're an expert in applying makeup or have just started on your cosmetic journey, these four YouTubers can give you tips about applying everyday makeup and Japanese cosmetics. Kim Dao, a Vietnamese-Australian YouTuber, is not only a Japanophile who vlogs about her experiences in Japan, but she's also an avid makeup enthusiast who uploads videos about everyday makeup trends in Japan.