雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Electronic forms Now Accessible on Our Member’s Mobile App for a Streamlined Completion and Submission Experience! The following forms have now been migrated to the Member’s Mobile App. Simply log into the Members’ Mobile App and navigate to My Account > Forms for online submission.

  2. 以下表格現已轉至會員手機應用程式,會員只需登入您的帳戶,瀏覽至「我的帳戶」>「表格」即可填寫及遞交。 請點擊 此處 下載會員手機應用程式。 會員手機應用程式現已提供的表格. 更新聯絡資料及設定通訊選擇. 更改個人資料. 更改婚姻狀況及取消附屬卡. 子女卡申請表格. 特許計劃申請表格. 新登記 / 更新車牌號碼登記表格. 賽馬證章 / 泊車證 / 特許計劃卡 / 會員子女身份識別卡遺失報告. 如需協助,請在上午9時至下午6時致電1812,或透過電郵 membership@hkjc.org.hk 與我們聯絡。 馬主亦可參閱 供馬主使用的表格章程 。 分享本文.

  3. 可在兩個馬場的會員席內享用會員專用廂房設施。. 可為來賓購買入場證章,以便來賓於兩個馬場之會員席觀賞賽事。. 可申請成為馬主,擁有馬匹及為馬匹報名參賽。. 可於賽馬日賽事舉行期間,即首場賽事開跑前兩小時 (馬場開放時間) 至最後一場賽事結束後半 ...

  4. Download Forms. Useful Forms and Documents for Download: Declaration Form on Purchase of a Horse. Bloodstock Agent Declaration of Interest. Registration of Names (PP) Registration of Names (PPG) Registration of Names (ISG) Racing Colours (Design Chart and Form) Syndicate Agreement.

    • Transfer of Data
    • D. ATM Facilities (only applicable to Spouse applying for Mastercard)
    • E. HSBC Group Employee / Government Servant
    • F. Declaration
    • G. Acknowledgement and Signature(s)
    • Part I – Declarations
    • Part II – Opt-out from use of personal data in direct marketing by Supplementary Card Applicant
    • Part I – Declarations
    • Part II – Opt-out from use of personal data in direct marketing by Supplementary Card Applicant
    • 一.交換個人資料
    • 甲部 - 聲明
    • 甲部 - 聲明
    • 本人反對馬會使用本人的個人資料作直接促銷之用。
    • E-mail: membership@hkjc.org.hk
    • To : Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng")
    • Hang Seng Bank Limited (the “Bank”)
    • Highlights of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Card Terms and Conditions
    • *致各客戶及其他個別人士關於個人資料(私隱)條例(「條例」)的通知
    • 香港賽馬會會員卡章則及條款摘要

    hereby authorise The Hong Kong Jockey Club ("HKJC") to transfer my data / information kept with HKJC, including a copy of the relevant identity document to Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng") for the establishment and management of the account of my HKJC membership card. To: Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng")

    I (Principal Card Customer) wish to extend the ATM access to my HK Dollar account(s) with Hang Seng Bank below* Additional Bank A/C (1) Additional Bank A/C (2) Account Number Account Number S.V. S.V. Account holder(s) (Applicant) Signature(s)† Account holder(s) (Applicant) Signature(s)† (please use signature(s) filed with Hang Seng) *The designated...

    undertake to advise Hang Seng if I am currently (or was during the last twelve months) a director, chief executive or substantial shareholders of Hang Seng or its subsidiaries (note); or he or she is a spouse, partner, relative by blood, marriage or adoption, or a trustee of a trust to the people mentioned in this clause. Hang Seng requires the abo...

    Are you a relative* of any of the directors / employees* / controllers* / minority shareholder controllers* of Hang Seng Bank Limited, its branches, subsidiaries or affiliates in Hong Kong or overseas (e.g. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited), or other entities over which Hang Seng Bank Limited is able to exert control? No, and I...

    agree to enter into The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Card Programme (the "Programme") and to be issued by Hang Seng with the HKJC Membership Card(s). I confirm that all of the information provided in the application form is true, correct and complete in all aspects and I authorise the other party to submit my information / documents on my behal...

    I / We understand and agree that the use of HKJC facilities and the supplementary card(s) will be governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Bye-laws and other rules and regulations of HKJC as issued or amended by the Stewards from time to time. I, the Principal Member, accept full responsibility of all charges incurred by myself and a...

    HKJC and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Club”, each a “Club Entity” in the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement, may use your name, contact information and demographic information to send you direct marketing communications regarding facilities, services, support, events and activities arranged by the Club or a Club Entity or the Club’s ...

    I / We understand and agree that the use of HKJC facilities and the supplementary card(s) will be governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Bye-laws and other rules and regulations of HKJC as issued or amended by the Stewards from time to time. I, the Principal Member, accept full responsibility of all charges incurred by myself and a...

    HKJC and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Club”, each a “Club Entity” in the Club’s Privacy Policy Statement, may use your name, contact information and demographic information to send you direct marketing communications regarding facilities, services, support, events and activities arranged by the Club or a Club Entity or the Club’s ...

    本人授權香港賽馬會(「馬會」)向恒生銀行有限公司(「恒生」)透露本人於馬會之個人資料(包括有關之身份證明文件之副本)作為使恒生為本人開立及處理本人有關之馬會會員卡戶口之用。 致:恒生銀行有限公司(「恒生」)

    本人/吾等明白馬會各項設施及附屬卡之使用皆受由馬會董事不時發出或修改之組織大綱及章程、規例及其他規則及附例所管制。 本人,主卡會員,將承擔由本人及所有附屬卡人士引起的所有費用。 本人/吾等承諾本人的婚姻狀況如有更改,將即時通知香港賽馬會,並明白已發出的相關附屬卡或會因此而被取消。 本人/吾等確認子女附屬卡申請人為未婚。 本人/吾等確認附屬卡申請人未曾在本港或海外宣告破產或觸犯刑事罪行。 本人/吾等確認附屬卡申請人現時並非馬會缺席會員。 本人/吾等明白及同意馬會可向銀行以及其他機構,包括警方及其他執法機構等查詢附屬卡申請人資料,以進行所需之背景審查。 本人/吾等明白馬會董事可拒絕附屬卡的申請而毋須給予解釋。 本人/吾等確認在本表格填報的資料皆正確無誤。 本人/吾...

    本人/吾等明白馬會各項設施及附屬卡之使用皆受由馬會董事不時發出或修改之組織大綱及章程、規例及其他規則及附例所管制。 本人,主卡會員,將承擔由本人及所有附屬卡人士引起的所有費用。 本人/吾等承諾本人的婚姻狀況如有更改,將即時通知香港賽馬會,並明白已發出的相關附屬卡或會因此而被取消。 本人/吾等確認子女附屬卡申請人為未婚。 本人/吾等確認附屬卡申請人未曾在本港或海外宣告破產或觸犯刑事罪行。 本人/吾等確認附屬卡申請人現時並非馬會缺席會員。 本人/吾等明白及同意馬會可向銀行以及其他機構,包括警方及其他執法機構等查詢附屬卡申請人資料,以進行所需之背景審查。 本人/吾等明白馬會董事可拒絕附屬卡的申請而毋須給予解釋。 本人/吾等確認在本表格填報的資料皆正確無誤。 本人/吾...

    附屬卡申請人簽署: 主卡會員簽署.. 英文全名.. 英文全名.. 日期: 馬會會員編號.. 日期:


    重要事項:辦理是項自動轉賬付款指示之手續需時4 - 6星期,手續辦妥後,「BY AUTOPAY」字樣將會顯示於閣下之月結單上,以確認有關之自動轉賬付款安排已經生效。於自動轉賬付款安排生效前,閣下請暫時以月結單背頁上說明之其他付款方式,繳付香港賽馬會會員卡(「馬會卡」)賬項。 IMPORTANT NOTE : The processing of the autopay instruction takes approximately 4 - 6 weeks. The words "BY AUTOPAY" will be shown in your monthly statement to confirm that the autopay arrangement has become effec...

    Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) From time to time, it is necessary for customers and various other individuals (including without limitation applicants for banking/financial services and banking/credit facilities, sureties and persons providing security or guarantee for ...

    Where a data subject has given consent for the Bank to do so, the Bank may use the data subject’s data to provide the data subject with direct marketing. In this connection, please note that: the Bank may use the following categories of data for its direct marketing purposes: the name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, ...

    The Bank may, in accordance with the data subject’s instructions to the Bank or third party service providers engaged by the data subject, transfer data subject’s data to third party service providers using the Bank’s API for the purposes notified to the data subject by the Bank or third party service providers and/or as consented to by the data su...

    To comply with the Code of Banking Practice, we are pleased to highlight the major terms and conditions for using the card for your attention. You are yet advised to read the FULL VERSION of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Card Terms and Conditions governing the use of the card as enclosed. For Mastercard Cards and Private Label Cards The Car...

    客戶及其他個別人士(包括但不限於銀行╱財務服務及銀行融資╱信貸便利的申請人,為銀行融資╱信貸便利提供抵押或擔保的擔保人及人士、公司客戶或申請人的股東、董事、控制人、職員及管理人員、合夥商的合夥人或合夥成員、信託的實益擁有人、受託人、財產授予人或保障人、指定戶口持有人、指定收款人、客戶的代表、代理或代名人,或與客戶建立了關係的任何其他人士,而該關係關乎客戶及銀行的關係)(統稱「資料當事人」),就各項事宜例如申請開立或延續戶口、建立或延續銀行融資╱信貸便利、要求銀行提供有關銀行╱財務服務或遵守任何法律或監管或其他機關發出的指引或要求,需不時向銀行提供有關資料。 若未能向銀行提供有關資料,會導致銀行無法批准開立或延續戶口、建立或延續銀行融資╱信貸便利或提供有關銀行╱財務服務。 銀行亦會從以下各...

    為配合銀行營運守則之規定,現謹將使用卡之主要章則及條款臚列如下,敬請留意。閣下務請細閱附上之香港賽馬會會員卡章則及條款之全文。 適用於萬事達卡及專用卡 會員在收到信用卡╱專用卡後需立即在卡上簽名。 在恒生銀行有限公司(「 恒生」)要求下,會員需儘速償還會員之信用卡╱專用卡賬戶欠款。 會員需承擔恒生在執行章則以及追討會員拖欠恒生款額所合理產生之一切費用及支出。 倘任何信用卡╱專用卡結單有任何不符,會員需在結單日起計六十日內通知恒生。 主卡會員需對本身及各附屬卡會員之一切債項及債務負責,而附屬卡會員則僅需對本身之債項及債務負責。 恒生有權以主卡會員賬戶之貸方結餘,清償或抵償主卡會員及╱或任何附屬卡會員拖欠恒生之債項及債務。恒生僅會以附屬卡會員賬戶之貸方結餘清償或抵償附屬卡會員拖欠恒生...

  5. 銀行證明函件 樣本. 書 [申請人姓名] 本行得悉XXX先生已向香港賽馬會申請參加今年舉行的馬 . 口許可證抽籤。 謹此證明,XXX先生自XXXX年起已在本行開立戶口,而該戶口一直保持經常使 . 賬目情況良好。 據本行所知及所信,XXX先生有能力應付每年可達一百萬港元與馬 ...

  6. 附屬「信用卡」將為萬事達白金卡或萬事達卡並得由「生」決定。 根據「計劃」,「主卡會員」亦可授權(需得「馬會」同意下) 「生」向其配偶及任何未婚子女/海外學生發出一張附屬專用卡(代替「信用卡」)。

  1. 其他人也搜尋了