雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月2日 · The Imperial Regalia of Japan are the country's most highly guarded treasures. They're so heavily protected, in fact, that only a handful of people have actually seen them. Consisting of a sword, a mirror and a jewel, these relics are said to be housed in three sacred sites spread around the nation.

  2. 2019年11月15日 · 老街里的摩登温泉乡 | 香川・四国边走边看. 时尚 高松 香川 四国. 在高松的倒数第二天,听了当地朋友的建议前往了位于距离高松市繁华街区南边大约七公里,搭乘电车只需20分钟左右的佛生山。. 佛生山町的形成,可以前溯至江户时期,当时高松藩的初代藩主 ...

  3. 2018年8月15日 · The Chirihagane No.8 retails for ¥86,400 (US$855.95). The Chirihagane No.4 is also priced at ¥86,400 ($829.53). The larger Chirihagane No.17 retails for ¥97,200 ($932.84) Each piece is made from Tamahagane, a high-quality Japanese blade-making steel, and comes with either a 40-centimeter (16-inch) long or 45-centimeter (17.7-inch) long ...

  4. 制霸東京商店街 | All About Japan. 【東京自由行】吃遍濃厚人情味!. 制霸東京商店街. 東京的商店街歷史最早可追溯到江戶時代的城下町・宿場町・門前町等地區,不過真正地開始有規模地運作則是在1,920~1,930年代。. 東京的商店街通常位於車站附近,是讓在地 ...

  5. 2018年7月4日 · Japanese digital art collective teamLab, in collaboration with local urban landscape developer Mori Building Co. Ltd., has unveiled their awe-inspiring permanent digital art museum on June 21, 2018. The amazing light displays are housed in their very own building, spread out over two floors in a huge space in Tokyo’s Odaiba district. https ...

  6. 2018年2月27日 · We also get to see Keiko dressing a young woman named Misha, who can't help but tear up at her stunning reflection in the mirror while wearing one of Keiko's kimono, a bespoke seijin-shiki kimono. Misha's mother, Sheila Cliffe (author of The Social Life of Kimono ), commissioned the kimono for her, and we have the opportunity to witness the first time Misha tries it on.

  7. 從松本搭乘大概40分鐘左右的電車,就能到達奈良井宿,雖然它不屬於松本市管轄,但仍有不少來松本玩的人會順道來訪奈良井宿,這一段大約一公里長的街道就是日本最長的驛站,也是江戶時代連結京都跟江戶 (現東京)的重要道路,這裡的建築物均保留原有 ...