雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 五十年代 明愛主要為湧入香港的移民提供救濟服務。 六十年代. 明愛引進社會工作專業,在不同地區設立多元化服務中心,並在漁民村及新市鎮提供社區發展服務及家庭服務。 七十年代. 明愛開始建立了各類型社會工作服務,協助有需要的家庭、青少年、長者及智障人士,提升他們的能力,介入的模式包括治標及治本兩方面,此外亦在舊屋邨推行試驗性的服務計劃及成立難民服務。 八十年代. 在這期間,明愛社會工作服務迅速發展,對象以青少年、長者為主,並在匱乏的社區開展社區發展服務,此外明愛亦為特別群體包括勞工、外籍傭工、低收入婦女、越南難民等提供服務。 於1983年,社會工作服務部重組,成立七個服務,包括:扶幼、青少年及社區、家庭、康復、安老、社區發展及其他社會工作服務。 九十年代至今.

  2. Caritas–Hong Kong is a member of Caritas Internationalis, a federation of 165 Caritas organizations operating in over 200 countries throughout the world. Each Caritas organization is committed to a united world without poverty, societies without divisions, equality among communities and a civilisation of love and solidarity.

  3. 2023年9月19日 · The Caritas Charity Bazaars held each year serve as a platform for uniting parishes, Catholic schools and Caritas units to raise funds and evangelize the love of God. All funds collected will be well utilized to give the underprivileged a ray of hope by providing assistance for those in crises or in financial hardship.

  4. 2020年10月5日 · For the sake of safety, Caritas has decided to change the format of the bazaar again. Instead of holding large scale bazaar, small scale bazaars or other innovative fundraising activities will be arranged. We trust that with your full support and generosity, we can collaborate together to assist the needy and the poor.

  5. Caritas Information Technology Advancement Centre (CITAC) was founded in 2001 and is the I.T. arms of Caritas Hong Kong. It provides services to Caritas Hong Kong, Hong Kong Diocese and the Hong Kong community.

  6. Message from the Chief Executive. Having served the Hong Kong community for 70 years, Caritas has had many accomplishments, broken new ground and gained invaluable experiences. Needless to say, we have also faced numerous challenges and setbacks along the way.

  7. Caritas Community Halls. Cooperation between Caritas and Parishes. Cooperation between Caritas and parishes is essential to ensure that charitable activities in all parishes are carried out systematically and remain sustainable.