雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月24日 · Nokia actually rebooted the 3310 in 2017, causing Mashable's senior editor Stan Schroeder to ditch his smartphone for a week. Continue reading. Nokia is banking on Y2K nostalgia to sell these...

  2. 2024年5月9日 · HMD is selling a 2024 remake of Nokia's famous 3210 feature phone. The updated model lacks many apps, but does have some modern enhancements, like a camera, 4G, and Bluetooth.

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  4. 2024年5月8日 · Finnish phone-maker HMD has released the Nokia 3210 as a new generation of kids seek out dumb phones that allow them to stay connected away from doomscrolling.

  5. 2024年4月28日 · 从谍照中可以看出,新款诺基亚3210的后盖印有经典的NOKIA Logo,上方则配备了摄像头与闪光灯,给人一种既复古又时尚的感觉。 提到诺基亚3210,人们 ...

  6. 2024年5月8日 · The legendary Nokia 3210, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and sold some 160 million units worldwide in its day, is about to be revived in a (slightly) more modern form. This...

  7. 2024年5月2日 · The design isn't exactly a faithful replica – there are similarities in the button layout, but it's otherwise arguably closer to a Nokia 3310 from the early 2000s.

  8. 2024年2月8日 · 好房網News記者嚴鈺雯/綜合報導. 「千金買房、萬金買鄰」,有些人買房最注重居住品質,尤其是寧靜度,就算是在純住宅區或郊區的住宅,周遭鄰居吵鬧會影響到日常生活;此外,社區環境雜亂也會影響心情,因此民眾都希望能在買之前就能注意到這些地方。 網友們曾在PTT討論「大家看房子會注意住戶組成情況的嗎? 」的話題,每個人的看法不同,不過都認為要得知住戶組成情況不是一件容易的事。...

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