雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. oracle erp system in hk 相關

  2. ERP系統經過多年的實證,專為中、港貿易,製造和服務業度身訂造。 一站式銷售、採購、庫存、會計、生產管理,結合電子商貿及手機Apps的嶄新ERP方案

  3. ERP improve efficiency, intelligence, and visibility across your business. 雲端ERP解決方案,以實時資訊有效提升企業的應變能力和運作彈性


  1. With Oracle Cloud ERP, discover how to gain resilience and agility, and position yourself for growth. Our Enterprise Resource Management solutions provide the power to adapt business models and processes quickly, so you can reduce costs, sharpen forecasts, and innovate more.

  2. 2022年1月12日 · ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)系統,中文為企業資源規劃系統,其功能為整理公司內部數據與簡化後勤部門範疇,再通過共享流程和數據模型,綜合地管理企業內部以及外部營運流程,協助領導層及管理人員加深對業務營運的了解。 ERP 系統有哪些功能? ERP 系統主要功能包括,財務管理、財務規劃、訂單管理、生產管理、供應商管理、倉庫配送、採購流程、客戶關係管理以及電子商務等等。 另外,ERP 系統價格會依據功能多少而有所變動。 雖然「企業資源規劃系統」中有「企業」兩字,但 ERP 系統不僅適用於香港大型企業,即使是小型公司亦適用。 而目前在香港企業實施的 ERP 系統主要分為公司內部與雲端兩類,這兩類 ERP 系統有哪些分別?

  3. 2024年5月13日 · ERP features are the capabilities and functionalities included in an ERP software suite, such as procurement, finance and accounting, order management, supply chain management, and analytics and reporting. Customer relationship management and human resources are sometimes included as part of an ERP software suite.

  4. Oracle Hong Kong SAR, PRC. Applications. ERP. What is ERP? Oracle cloud ERP leadership. See why customers choose cloud ERP from Oracle, the leading cloud ERP solution provider. Unlike other software providers, our ERP solutions have been cloud-based from the beginning with modular AI-based business capabilities.

  5. 其他人也問了

  6. 2024年3月21日 · Cloud ERP is software as a service that helps business leaders manage their organizations by centralizing data from interconnected operational and financial systems. Cloud ERP systems typically encompass capabilities around financials and accounting, budgeting and planning, procurement, inventory, manufacturing, supply chain, and more.