雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年5月9日 · When you have a Japanese husband, people assume you can learn the language through osmosis. Some people are great at picking up foreign languages. Some people suck at it. Sadly, as I have mentioned before, I am one of the latter.I’m embarrassed by the fact ...

  2. 送禮自用兩相宜的食品模型. 不知道大家在日本有沒有留意到日本的餐廳還有咖啡廳的櫥窗,裡面經常會擺放著很逼真讓人看到後便垂涎欲滴的仿真美食模型。. 不管你餓不餓看見這些仿真模型,就會有一種食慾大動的感覺。. 這些仿真模型往往製作得非常精致 ...

  3. 2015年12月12日 · Keep in mind that these aren’t mistakes that would necessarily prevent you from being understood, but rather mistakes that, if you can fix them, will make you sound more like a native speaker. 1. Differentiating between 'wa' and 'ga' particles. Non-native speakers often misuse wa and ga. Both are particles, meaning that they come after nouns ...

  4. 2017年1月26日 · First Onsen Experience in Japan. Onsen etiquette can be confusing for a foreigner visiting for the first time, and there are many small rules and customs that even many Japanese people aren’t quite clear on. There aren’t usually any written instructions around the baths, as it's expected that everyone will already know the basic customs ...

  5. 2020年1月15日 · Passengers will be able to commute between the two stations in around 20 minutes using the boat and a shuttle bus. The experiment will run through January 17, 2020. Tokyo has been seeking ways to reduce congestion during the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In July, the Japanese capital carried out a different boat-commuting trial that ...

  6. 2021年1月13日 · Lake Nukabira, located in central Hokkaido, has become a fantastical canvas for one of nature’s most artistic phenomenons. Gas and other substances at the bottom of the lake freeze as they rise to the surface, becoming trapped in multiple layers and creating a multi-dimensional installation of “ice bubbles.”. Photographers have been ...

  7. 2017年1月26日 · But how about a quick checklist of what not to do? Allowed free rein in an onsen one sunny afternoon, Texan in Tokyo superblogger Grace Buchele Mineta turns the camera on husband Ryosuke to get him to do all the things he’s not supposed to. She might be a little overzealous with the buzzer, but they're adorable as always.