雅虎香港 搜尋

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  2. 擁有20多年珠寶設計和製作的經驗,廣受香港及外國旅客歡迎,信譽良好,實力非凡。 精選鑽石、寶石、珍珠,來款訂造首飾,歡迎親臨半島酒店商場選購。


  1. 2023年11月14日 · Shinagawa Shrine 品川神社. Shinagawa Shrine. 3-7-15 Kita Shinagawa, Shinagawa City, Tokyo. Updated: November 14, 2023. Shinagawa Shrine is one of 10 shrines forming a ring around the Imperial Palace, appointed by the Emperor Meiji as symbols of a new era. Known as the Tokyo Jissha, Shinagawa Shrine is often visited together with the other nine.

    • 原宿
    • 高圓寺
    • 下北澤
    • 其他東京古著店

    「原宿」向來以獨特而極端的風格而聞名,不僅是東京次文化的重鎮,也是各式日本時尚風格的誕生地。近年來,這一帶開始有慢慢向觀光客靠攏的趨勢,不過目前仍林立著許多古著專賣店,每間店內都擺滿了從世界各地蒐集而來的古著衣物。「KINJI Used Clothing」的店面位於地下室,空間十分寬敞,販售的服飾從牛仔夾克到美國高中運動服皆備。「RAGTAG」則是以幾近新品的狀態販售名牌古著,就算在此找到「PRADA」、「Dsquared2」與「A BATHING APE」等品牌古著也毋須驚訝。


    位於世田谷區的「下北澤」是處沉穩而隨興的地區,此處林立著各式咖啡廳、酒吧、Live House與獨立經營的服飾零售店。如果說「原宿」是東京流行時尚的最前線,「高圓寺」是以大人為訴求的復古地區,那「下北澤」就是年輕型男潮女的專屬街區。「東洋百貨店/SHIMOKITA GARAGE DEPARTMENT」從服裝、飾品乃至自行車皆應有盡有,店內更另闢一處空間招攬在地工匠與零售店進駐。「Flamingo」則販售蒐集自世界各地、種類齊全的男裝、女裝,店裡也能找到1940年代的商品。

    販售名牌古著的「RAGTAG」在東京都內設有數間分店。而「2nd Street」同樣專營名牌古著,不僅據點遍及日本全國各地,亦適用外國旅客免稅服務。「WeGo」則是連鎖服飾零售店,在東京擁有多家分店,除了古著之外,也有販售最新日式風格的商品。

  2. PDF Maps & Guides. Download these useful guides giving you the basics on bathing etiquette, manga and anime, the Tokyo train network, museum schedules and walking courses.

  3. 2024年1月22日 · Mizuhiki is a traditional decoration with deep ties to Japanese culture and important real-life applications. It is a decorative knot used to seal gifts given during ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. The strings are traditionally red and white, but the range of colors has expanded over time. Tokyo has a number of shops where visitors can find charming accessories made with mizuhiki ...

  4. 2024年2月20日 · After entering through the main gate of the temple, bow toward the hondo main hall where the deity is enshrined. If a water basin is there, rinse your hands and mouth with the purifying water. Climb the steps, place your hands together and pray silently. Note that you shouldn't clap at a temple―this rite is reserved for Shinto shrines.

  5. Catching an exciting baseball game in Jingu Stadium, home to the Tokyo Yakult Swallows. Pit your skills against popular professional baseball players (virtual imagery) at the batting practice range. Learning traditional tea ceremony, calligraphy and more at the Picture Gallery School. Explore the vast outdoor complex, basking in the sunny ...

  6. 2023年10月6日 · For updated information on opening hours, closings, prices, and more, please check the official website or ask the facility directly. The Japan National Stadium, designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and his team, served as the main stadium for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020.

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