雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 近日本公司收到了一些查詢關於有人假冒茲曼尼進行詐騙。茲曼尼在此聲明,我們並未洩漏任何客戶的個人資料。茲曼尼GIORMANI非常重視客戶的隱私權,我們一直致力於保護客戶的個人資料。

  2. 皮革梳化 | 茲曼尼 GIORMANI - 首頁

  3. The first sofa-specialty retail shop which began to operate in Hong Kong in 1999 was undr the brand name of GIORMANI Livingroom Furniture Store. The concept of tailor-making every sofa for every customer also started at the very beginning when the company

  4. 茲曼尼 Giormani. 47,531 likes · 431 talking about this. 「專業訂造・梳化專家」 客戶服務熱線:2688 2072 客戶服務電郵:customer@giormani.com 官方網頁:www.giormani.com.

  5. kelvingiormani.com › en › productKelvin Giormani

    This is the most popular KELVIN GIORMANI fabric pillow that is matchable with virtually any fabric sofa model in the line. Its feather-filled feature delivers natural comfort and touch. Added to list

  6. kelvingiormani.com › en › designerKelvin Giormani

    Kelvin Ng is one of Hong Kong leading sofa designers whose distinctive sofas and armchairs have graced the collections of preeminent European and Asian furniture companies including Weco, Cierre, Kosuga, as well as his founded brands, GIORMANI (since

  7. 茲曼尼的梳化款式以歐美設計為主,因為他們一直與意大利及德國的設計師合作,所以能將歐洲梳化設計及用料的最新潮流及意念帶到香港,設計能緊貼歐洲潮流及時有不同的創新設計,並且能做到質素與功能並重的梳化,故梳化產品一向頗受市場歡迎。. 瀏覽 ...

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