雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. To activate AIA Vitality membership for corporate client. 4-min watch.

  2. AIA Alta Wellness Haven – With wellness services exclusively dedicated to the AIA Club Alta members, it is Hong Kong insurance's first* integrated and one-stop wellness realm where science blends seamlessly with Eastern and Western philosophies. * As of 1 August 2023, compared with services provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies.

  3. 產品介紹. 產品介紹. 個人 企業. 健康. 危疾保障. 醫療保障. 自願醫保計劃. 嚴重程度健康保障. 意外及其他保障.

  4. Living YouTube 頻道播放,由世界各地的AIA 大使、名人及網絡紅人為您帶來全天的網上健康活動,而AIA 全球大使碧咸更將擔任特別嘉賓! 我們一直致力幫助您和您的家人及摯友活出「健康長久好生活」,是次活動由AIA 特意邀請不同專家及 ...

  5. 坐擁開揚維港景觀,寬敞舒適. 「友邦峻宇財富管理中心」位於銅鑼灣希慎廣場,坐擁開揚維港景觀,寬敞舒適,更設有多個私穩度高的會客室和多功能活動空間,可舉辦不同種類的活動,除了有關財富管理、稅務或財富傳承等講座,還包括個人健康、品味興趣 ...

  6. On Your Side Plan / On Your Side Plan – First Gift. Critical Illness Protection. AIA Vitality. Popular. Protection totalling up to 900% of your Initial Sum Assured in the event of a critical illness like cancer, heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer's disease, or an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stay. Compare.

  7. 「AIA Live將透過友邦保險的YouTube健康生活頻道進行網上播放,「AIA Vitality 健康程式」 會員可以透過參與是次活動賺取「AIA Vitality 健康程式」積分。登記參與是次活動的人士,還可