雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 史维尼·陶德:舰队街的邪恶理发师. 剧情概要: It's 1846. Sweeney Todd and Anthony Hope, greeted only by a crazed beggar woman, sail into London, where Todd implies he has been before but not in quite some time. Todd heads to his old stomping grounds of Fleet Street, where he runs across the pie shop belonging to Mrs. Nellie ...

  2. 简介. 由于错误的审判和别有用心的侵占,本杰明·贝克被流放至 澳大利亚,关押了长达15年之久,当他重新回到伦敦的舰队街之后,已经物是人非,家毁人亡。 贝克决定让造成这一切的人--邪恶的法官特平和他身边那个穷凶极恶的帮凶比德尔·本福德血债血偿。 贝克化名为斯温尼·陶德,重新经营起自己的理发事业,旁边就是内尔·洛薇特夫人的馅饼店。 正是从洛薇特夫人的口中,陶德最终知道了特平陷害自己的原因,竟然是想霸占他美丽的妻子露西和尚在襁褓之中的小女儿,在陶德被抓走之后,特平用利益引诱露西,为了保证自己的清白,贞烈的露西服毒自尽,而他们的女儿现在也不知道流落何处,这一切,更加深了陶德想要杀死特平的决心。

  3. Sweeney Todd and Anthony Hope, greeted only by a crazed beggar woman, sail into London, where Todd implies he has been before but not in quite some time. Todd heads to his old stomping grounds of Fleet Street, where he runs across the pie shop belonging to Mrs. Nellie Lovett, who professes to make the worst meat pies in London due to the high ...

  4. 实际上音乐剧版有一个电影改编后删掉的主题曲,这一唱段全剧重复了四次,是这么说的: "And what if none of their souls were saved?They went to their maker impeccably shaved,By Sweeney,By Sweeney Todd,The demon barber of Fleet Street

  5. 理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) 【Deep+Burton+Helena】 哥特风 音乐剧,又黑又美又文艺. 生人勿进 Låt den rätte komma in (2008) 透着冰冷入骨的缓慢、寂寞、永恒,最文艺的吸血鬼(略带同志情结) 妖夜慌踪 Lost Highway (1997)

  6. 10,《理发师陶德Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) 看点:哥特阴郁+歌舞+中世纪+波顿+德普+血浆=大快人心! 11,《恐怖蜡像馆》 House of Wax (2005)

  7. #Title song(The Ballad of Sweeney Todd) "And what if none of their souls were saved?They went to their maker impeccably shaved,By Sweeney,By Sweeney Todd,The demon barber of Fleet Street。" 当灵魂变得无可救药之时,他们会去找舰队街的恶魔理发