雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Viu Original Studio, with international collaborations in the pipeline, is poised for more wide-ranging developments, including localising popular classics for different markets to expand Viu’s content asset range

  2. ViuTV 截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日止年度的EBITDA 增長接近雙倍,達港幣1.90 億元。 香港電訊總收益(未計流動通訊產品銷售)增加百分之三至港幣313.70 億元,反映企業及政府客戶

  3. 於2022 年,香港和亞洲不少市場一樣,主要受到2019 冠狀病毒病疫情的持續影響而面對重重挑戰。 隨著香港於2023 年全面放寬社交距離措施及檢疫規定,以及邊境全面開通,經濟已有初步復蘇跡象。 然而,美國聯邦儲備局連番加息,阻礙環球經濟復蘇。 儘管如此,電訊盈科憑藉香港電訊有限公司(「香港電訊」)的韌性及over-the-top(「OTT 」)業務取得首個全年EBITDA 正數,期內錄得穩健的業績。 我們的媒體業務維持上升動力,OTT及免費電視及相關業務的收益均有所增加。 受惠於旗艦業務Viu 百分之四十五的收益增長,OTT 業務的收益上升百分之三十六至港幣20.12 億元。 Viu Original原創製作等優質內容成功吸引付費用戶,帶動付費用戶人數飆升百分之四十五至 1,220 萬。

    • Consolidated EBITDA1 Margin
    • Executive Directors
    • Non-Executive Directors
    • Independent Non-Executive Directors
    • Forward-Looking Statements

    Depreciation Amortisation (Losses)/Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets, net Other gains/(losses), net Interest income Finance costs Share of results of associates and joint ventures

    Market risk arises from foreign currency and interest rate exposure related to investments and financing. As a matter of policy, the Group continues to manage the market risk directly relating to its operations and financing and does not undertake any speculative derivative trading activities. The Group determines appropriate risk management activi...

    The chief operating decision-maker (the “CODM”) is the Group’s senior executive management. The CODM reviews the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources and the segment information is reported below in accordance with this internal reporting. The CODM considers the business from the product perspective and...

    Li Tzar Kai, Richard (Chairman) and Hui Hon Hing, Susanna (Acting Group Managing Director and Group Chief Financial Officer)

    Tse Sze Wing, Edmund, GBS; Meng Shusen; Wang Fang and Wei Zhe, David

    Aman Mehta; Frances Waikwun Wong; Bryce Wayne Lee; Lars Eric Nils Rodert; David Christopher Chance and Mohamed Sharhan Mohamed Muhseen

    This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to revenues, earnings and prospects. The words “believe”, “intend”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “project”, “estimate”, “predict”, “is confident”, “has confidence” and similar expressions are also intended t...

  4. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsPCCW Limited - HKEXnews

    管理層回顧. 雖然年內2019冠狀病毒疫情徘徊不退,嚴重打擊世界各地的日常經濟活動及市民生活,但電訊盈科於截至2020 年12 月31日止年度仍錄得穩定的業績,證明我們的核心業務有能力在充滿挑戰的營運環境下作出靈活應變,持續為香港及國際市場的客戶提供可靠服務。 香港電訊有限公司(「香港電訊」)的流動通訊產品銷售受到疲弱消費信心,以及客戶升級手機週期延長的趨勢所影響。 然而,截至2020 年12 月31日止年度香港電訊的總收益(未計流動通訊產品銷售)仍取得輕微增長至港幣297.80 億元6。 此增長源於市場對數據及寬頻服務的需求大幅上升,加上5G 服務的上客情況漸入佳境,縱使部分增幅因年內實施旅遊限制措施導致漫遊收益下降而被抵銷。

  5. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsPCCW Limited - HKEXnews

    ViuTV將繼續按照本地觀眾的喜好製作高質素節目,以推動電視頻道及數碼平台的收視,並進一步 推廣公司旗下藝人及活動業務。 電訊盈科企業方案的策略重點是提高與客戶的互動、透過與技術夥伴合作及新技術擴展生態圈,並

  6. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsHKEX :: HKEXnews

    根據《公司收購、合併及股份購回守則》 (「《收購守則》」),要約文件或受要約公司董事局通告(視何者適用而定)的發出人必須向證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (「證監會」)提交根據《收購守則》規則8的註釋1內所須展示的每份文件,以供展示於證監會網頁 ...

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