雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2019年12月2日 · The Tama area, on the western side of the metropolis, is slightly cooler than central Tokyo. During August, Japan’s warmest month of the year, the highest temperature is 32°C on average. January is the coldest, with average highs of 10°C on average. Rainfall is as frequent as other areas of Tokyo, with precipitation even during the driest ...

  2. 2019年12月2日 · 行程規劃. 氣候. Updated: December 2, 2019. 春季(3~5月) 春寒料峭,請留意保暖,外出記得攜帶外套或羊毛衫。 到了5月,天氣轉暖而草木萌發,大部分日子可著短袖舒適出遊。 即便早晚較涼,涼爽又晴朗的白天非常適合從事戶外活動,是外出遊玩的最佳季節。 別忘了配合當日氣溫準備適合多層次穿搭的衣物。 夏季(6~8月) 6月至7月中旬是東京的梅雨季,可以說是一整年中最多雨潮濕的時期。 比起季風帶來的雨水,梅雨季的小雨似乎持續更久。 穿著雨衣或許是個好選擇,但材質過厚會造成悶熱不透氣,建議攜帶輕薄的雨衣。 若您預計在梅雨季節造訪東京且以步行為主,或準備在東京西部、奧多摩地區健行或露營,穿著防水的鞋子會比較適合。 折疊雨傘在便利商店就能輕鬆購得。

  3. 2020年11月25日 · If you’re a tourist, you probably aren’t hoping for rainy weather during your trip. But if it is raining while you’re in Tokyo, don’t fret—you’ve got a nearly unlimited amount of options, from culture to sports to relaxation.

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  4. 2024年1月19日 · February weather in Tokyo is perfect for sightseers. February has an average temperature of about 6ºC (43°F), low levels of precipitation, and a balance of sunny and cloudy days. While it's still cold, snow falls only rarely.

  5. With temperatures averaging between 0 to 8 degrees Celsius in Tokyo, be sure to come prepared with a heavy jacket, scarf, and winter cap. If you're still having trouble dealing with the chill, go to any convenience store and purchase a box of "hokkairo," disposable heating pads that you can adhere to the inside of your shoes, gloves, and jackets.

  6. 2023年12月18日 · What is the weather like in Tokyo in January? The average temperature is around 5.4ºC (41.7°F) during the day, and can fall to 1.2ºC (34.2°F) at night, so make sure to wrap up warm. This is especially true in mid to late January. The month has just 60 mm (2.4 in) of rainfall on average, and little chance of snow.

  7. 2023年7月5日 · 東京的夏季氣候雖然偏高溫潮濕,但在這個季節能與當地居民一起參加各種活動,是最適合觀光的時期。 歡迎您前來東京參加傳統祭典、欣賞煙火、品嚐刨冰、到海灘戲水、在屋頂啤酒花園與朋友一同飲酒、在公園樹蔭下散步,或到東京都內的一流博物館、室內體驗設施或百貨公司等處盡情放鬆。 旅遊指南. 請記得多補充水分,白天避免曝曬在太陽底下。 活動計畫請安排在一大早或傍晚。 攜帶薄外套、開襟羊毛衫或披肩,即可在較冷的電車中或商店內派上用場。 車站周邊與商店等處經常會免費分發扇子,好好利用它來消暑吧。 享受陽光. 隨著東京的氣溫上升,人們也跟著雀躍起來。 8月時學校放長假,許多人前往海灘或上山避暑,因此可以說是最適合從事游泳、露營、健行等活動的時期。 讀賣樂園.