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  1. 2023年7月19日 · 8月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: July 19, 2023. 推薦8月的東京嗎? 日本的8月正好是夏日祭典的高峰期,能夠參加各式各樣的活動。 8月的東京天氣如何? 東京在8月會變得炎熱,白天平均氣溫約27度,夜晚約23度。 尤其在8月中旬至下旬氣溫更高,請準備輕便且通風的服裝。 由於有可能遇到豪大雨或颱風,建議隨身攜帶折疊傘,有備無患。 平均降雨量是155毫米。 8月的人氣活動與祭典. 高圓寺阿波舞大會 於8月最後一個週末舉辦,是東京代表性的夏日祭典之一。 在為期2天的活動期間,會有大約1萬名舞者與100萬名觀眾前來參加,現場的傳統音樂、舞蹈及熱鬧氛圍都令人難以忘懷。 阿佐谷七夕祭 於每年8月上旬舉辦5天。

    • Koenji Awa-Odori Dance
    • Asagaya Tanabata Matsuri
    • Fukagawa Hachiman Festival
    • Bon-Odori in Tokyo
    • Sumida River Toro Nagashi
    • Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festival
    • Azabu-Juban Noryo Festival
    • Harajuku Omotesando Genki Matsuri Super Yosakoi

    The Koenji Awa-odori Danceis one of Tokyo's most famous summer festivals. Held over two days during the last weekend of August, the festival features around 10,000 dancers and a million spectators. Traditional music and dance, combined with an exhilarating atmosphere, make this event truly memorable.

    The Asagaya Tanabata Matsuri(Star Festival) is held for five days every year in early August. It's hosted by the Asagaya Pearl Center Shopping Street, a 750-meter-long shopping arcade at the south exit of JR Asagaya Station. The street will be covered in bamboo decorations and elaborate papier-mâché sculptures. The displays change each time, and ar...

    The Fukagawa Hachiman Festival(Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine Festival), typically held around August 15, is one of the three great festivals of Edo (the old name for Tokyo). During the festival, you can take in a stunning view of the procession of participants carrying mikoshi (portable shrines) through the streets. If you're lucky, you may even be ask...

    Bon-odori, a traditional dance, is an integral part of Japanese summer festivals. Dances differ by region, and you can experience a broad assortment in Tokyo. At the Noryo Bon-odori event at Tsukiji Honganji Temple, visitors can participate in a "bon-odori medley," and learn dances from different communities around Japan. With food stalls from the ...

    Experience the sight of a thousand paper lanterns floating down the tranquil Sumida River. For one night in August, visitors to Asakusa make wishes and release lanterns from Shinsui Terrace. Contact the Asakusa Tourism Federation or the Sumida Tourism Association for details about how to get your own lantern. Sumida River Toro Nagashi (Lantern-Floa...

    The Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festivalis held every August at Meiji Jingu Gaien. It is a major summer event where visitors can enjoy the sight of 10,000 fireworks at two venues: the Jingu Stadium and the Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium. The main venue, Jingu Stadium, typically hosts live performances from popular artists. Come and be entranced b...

    The Azabu-Juban Noryo Festival, hosted by Azabujuban Shotengai, has been an institution for over 50 years. Famous local stores and new favorites set up impressive booths for the event. For the 2023 festival, an array of specialties from all over Japan will be sold at the "Oragakuni Jiman" market, and there will be performances on the "10-BANG" stag...

    The largest Yosakoi festival in the Greater Tokyo Area blends traditional Yosakoi dance from Kochi Prefecture with the latest trends from Harajuku and Omotesando. Teams of dancers from Kochi, across Japan, and around the world gather to put on an incredible show. Harajuku Omotesando Genki Matsuri Super Yosakoi

  2. 2019年12月2日 · Their climate is consistently warm, with average high temperatures of 30°C in August and 22°C in February. However, strong winds between January and March mean that a jacket is advisable at those times. There is less precipitation than the mainland, although there are rainy days in every month of the year.

    • weather in sydney in august1
    • weather in sydney in august2
    • weather in sydney in august3
    • weather in sydney in august4
  3. 2020年12月17日 · What to wear in Tokyo’s summer weather With highs in the 30s Celsius and lows in the mid-20s, Tokyo summer is indisputably hot. Dress lightly, but cover your skin to protect it from harmful UV rays. For the rainy season, or tsuyu, in June, a sturdy umbrella is a

  4. 黃綠相間的向日葵花田鮮豔奪目,是絕佳的拍攝景點,請一定要帶著相機前來。. 如果您是認真在學習研究攝影,或許會對活動期間中舉辦的攝影大賽有興趣。. 現場也會販售切花及當地新鮮蔬菜。. 對於喜歡日本祭典的人來說,7月是最適合造訪東京的月份。. 從 ...

  5. 2024年5月15日 · 6月盛開的花不只有繡球花,花菖蒲的美姿也毫不遜色。. 若欲欣賞萬紫千紅的花菖蒲,推薦您參加在 堀切菖蒲園 及都立水元公園舉辦的「 葛飾菖蒲祭 」。. 另外像 小石川後樂園 (東京巨蛋附近)、明治神宮內苑、皇居東御苑的花菖蒲也很值得一看。.

  6. 吃喝美食 在此為您介紹東京老饕經常光顧的推薦店家。如果想大啖壽司、蕎麥麵、天婦羅等傳統東京美食,建議您前往老字號名店薈萃的淺草、日本橋等下町地區。此外,也別錯過東京的話題美食,如:保留江戶風情的熱門街區 神樂坂的居酒屋、年輕人最愛的區域 下北澤的咖啡廳、各國新潮餐廳的 ...