雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. With some underprivileged senior citizens unable to afford a smartphone and therefore unable to access the “LeaveHomeSafe” app, The Hong Kong Jockey Club announced today (21 December) an approved donation of HK$27 million from its Charities Trust to launch the Jockey Club Digital Support Project for the Elderly.

  2. Full Report. Download (PDF) ACTING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OUR SOCIETY. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2023. View More. INTEGRATED BUSINESS MODEL. Through its integrated business model, the Club generates economic and social value for our society.

  3. 為應對人口老化的挑戰及加強長者的精神健康,「賽馬會樂齡同行計劃」今日(星期五)公佈開展第二階段,進一步擴展以社區為本的支援網絡,由四個試點地區推展至十八區,並將培訓5,000名精神健康急救生力軍,從而鼓勵長者實踐積極晚年。. 「賽馬會樂齡 ...

  4. To address this issue, and in particular to uplift low-income households living in transitional housing, The Hong Kong Jockey Club announced today (20 April) the launch of JC PROJECT LIFT, with an approved donation of HK$ 720 million from its Charities Trust.

  5. 5 October 2021. Initiated and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project is hosting a four-day symposium themed "Looking Beyond the Pandemic: Creativity and Innovation in Promoting Resilience in Families and Children". Representatives from the Government, academia, the social welfare sector ...

  6. To address the needs of an ageing population and to enhance mental health among older people, JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness (JC JoyAge) launched Phase II of its work.

  7. 沿海底隧道前往皇后大道東的車輛,須改經由堅拿道天橋(南行)通往摩理臣山道的下行斜路,然後在黃泥涌道與皇后大道東的交界處轉右;及. 6. 沿海底隧道前往跑馬地或馬場的車輛,須改經由堅拿道天橋(南行)通往堅拿道東的下行斜路、摩理臣山道(南行)、體育道及黃泥涌道。 (c) 的士服務. 1. 到達馬場之的士可在馬場公眾席及會員席入口外停車落客; 2. 位於崇德街之的士站將分別在日間賽馬日的上午十一時至晚上七時;在黃昏賽馬日的下午四時三十分至晚上十一時五十九分,及在晚間賽馬日的下午五時至晚上十一時五十九分期間暫停使用;及. 3. 由第三場賽事開始至最後的第二場賽事結束期間,於本會會員席入口南面的一段黃泥涌道將設置臨時的士站。 至於其他公共交通工具安排,請< 按此 >瀏覽運輸署的交通通告原文。