雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.liufangmusic.net › English › biographyLiu Fang: Biography

    Biography. (short version) Born in Kunming (China) in 1974, Liu Fang started learning the pipa (Chinese luete) at the age of 6 and soon began to perform in public as child prodigy, including a performance for the Queen of England during a royal visit to China.

  2. Liu Fang transmits in an expressive and erudite way the beauty and grace of Chinese traditional classical music, while drawing out the subtle sonorities of the pipa and the guzheng. Through the power and sensitivity of her playing, she gives renewed interpretations of the ancient repertory, of the poetic as well as the martial styles.

  3. Liu Fang is an internationally acclaimed virtuoso for pipa and guzheng. Born in 1974 in Kunming in the province of Yunnan, China, she began playing the pipa at the age of 6, and by 11, she performed before Queen Elizabeth II. Her studies at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music broadened her musical range to include the study of the guzheng.

  4. www.liufangmusic.net › big5 › history_of_pipa琵琶藝朮的發展簡史

    據統計琵琶的指法共有五六十種。 歸納起來,右手指法分倆個系統: 一、輪指系統,二、彈挑系統。 左手指法也分倆個系統:一、按指系統, 二、推拉系統。 到了公元十五世紀左右,琵琶已擁有一批以《十面埋伏》和 《霸王卸甲》為代表的武曲以及以《月兒高》《思春》和《昭君怨》 為代表的文曲。 所謂武曲,其特點是以寫實和運用右手技法為主; 所謂文曲,其特點是以抒情和運用左手技法為主。 這些樂曲已經成為中華民族音樂的瑰寶、琵琶藝術的珍品。

  5. 她期望將自己有關東方傳統的知識和實踐与西方古典音樂、現代音樂、即興創作相結合,創造嶄新的音樂形式,聯結不同的文化,發掘新的听眾。 2006.08.04: 劉芳最新唱片榮獲法國查理科魯斯獎, 該獎在法國相當于格萊梅(Grammy Award)在美國... “ 抵達靈魂的音樂 ” 琵琶協奏曲 - 琵琶與樂隊 - 音樂 網上試.

  6. Solo albums. Chinese pipa and guzheng music from the classical and folkloric traditions and world music.

  7. Confirmation letter from the Canada Council for the Arts June 11, 2001 Dear Ms. Liu Fang, I am writing to confirm that you have been selected as one of the three winners of the Fund for Future Generation Millennium Prize. On behalf of the council, I am

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