雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 無人機、物聯網、機器人、通信設備、醫療健康設備等 多元化的市場領域,公司的高度垂直整合能力使得公司 可以為客戶提供全面的服務,更快和更有效率地回應市 場不斷變化的需求。城市軌道交通業務是本集團未來發展的戰略方向之一。

    • 比亞迪股份有限公司
    • BYD Company Limited Wang Chuan-fu
    • 摘要
    • Handset Components and Assembly Business
    • 手機部件及組裝業務
    • Automobiles and Batteries Business
    • 前景及策略
    • 汽車及電池業務
    • Handset Components and Assembly Business
    • 手機部件及組裝業務
    • Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risk
    • 外匯風險
    • A 股股票數目
    • 股本
    • 已發行股份數目約佔百分比(%)
    • Code Provision C.2.1
    • 遵守企業管治守則(「守則」)
    • 遵守上市公司董事進行證券交易的標準守則
    • 董事會多元化政策
    • 審核委員會
    • 中期股息
    • 持股量佔已發行股本總額的概約百分比(%)
    • Assets
    • 負債
    • 二零二三年六月三十日
    • 後附財務報表附註為本財務報表的組成部分
    • Classified by ownership
    • Other comprehensive income/(loss)
    • Other comprehensive income/(loss) that will be reclassified to profit or loss
    • Total comprehensive income
    • 將重分類進損益的其他綜合收益╱ (虧損)
    • I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    • Cash flows from investing activities: 二、
    • 投資活動產生的現金流量:
    • Cash flows from financing activities:
    • 截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月期間
    • 籌資活動現金流入小計
    • 償還債務支付的現金分配股利、利潤或償付利息支付 的現金支付其他與籌資活動有關的現金
    • 籌資活動產生╱(使用)的現金
    • 六、 期末現金及現金等價物餘額
    • 1、 公司資料
    • 會計估計變更
    • Operating segment
    • Operating segment (continued)
    • 截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月期間(未經審計)
    • January to June 2023 (Unaudited) Reportable segments
    • 二零二三年一至六月(未經審計)報告分部
    • Sales of goods
    • Construction services
    • Rendering of services
    • 銷售商品
    • 建造服務
    • (未經審計)
    • (未經審計)
    • Revenue
    • 二零二二年十二月三十一日(經審計)
    • 於二零二二年十二月三十一日,單項計提壞賬準備的應收賬款情況如下:
    • 於二零二二年十二月三十一日,應收賬款(不含新能源補貼款)金額前五名如下:
    • 二零二二年十二月三十一日(經審計)
    • 1. Overview
    • 以權益結算的股份支付如下:
    • 預計波動率無風險利率
    • (經審計)
    • (經審計)
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • (1) Related party transactions of goods and services (continued)
    • 關聯交易內容
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • 出售商品和提供勞務
    • 出售商品
    • (1) Related party transactions of goods and services (continued)
    • 接受勞務
    • 採購商品
    • 深圳殼牌比亞迪電動汽車投資有限公司及其子公司
    • (1) Related party transactions of goods and services (continued)
    • 東莞市德瑞精密設備有限公司
    • 採購商品
    • 廣東中貝能源科技有限公司
    • 採購商品
    • 購買固定資產
    • 出售固定資產
    • (6) Balance of related parties receivables
    • 無錫邑文電子科技有限公司深圳市尚水智能股份有限公司
    • (7) 關聯方應付款項餘額
    • 公允價值計量使用的輸入值
    • 公允價值計量使用的輸入值
    • (3) Fair value valuation
    • (3) Fair value valuation (continued)
    • 其他權益工具投資
    • 標的資產價格的波動率
    • 投資標的淨值法
    • 其他權益工具投資
    • 標的資產價格的波動率
    • 當期利得或損失總額
    • 當期利得或損失總額

    (a joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)

    Chairman As at the date of this announcement, the Board of Directors of the Company comprises Mr. Wang Chuan-fu being the executive Director, Mr. Lv Xiang-yang and Mr. Xia Zuo-quan being the non-executive Directors, and Mr. Cai Hong-ping, Mr. Zhang Min and Mr. Jiang Yan-bo being the independent non-executive Directors.

    The sales of the Company’s new energy vehicles continued to rank first in the world with increasing market share and expanding brand influence. Technical innovation boosted product development and improved multi-brand hierarchical deployment, which has brought the Company’s new energy vehicle business to a new level. The Company accelerated its exp...

    公司新能源汽車繼續保持全球銷量第一,市佔率進一步提升,品牌影響力持續擴大。 技術創新賦能產品,完善多品牌梯度佈局,為公司新能源汽車業務打造新高度。 加速海外市場開拓,加快新能源乘用車業務出海,進一步拓展市場空間。 電子業務加深與海外大客戶的合作,積極拓展業務領域,不斷優化產品結構。 憑藉品牌力的不斷提升、持續擴大的規模優勢和強大的產業鏈成本控制能力,有效應對行業競爭加劇及新能源汽車補貼取消帶來的挑戰。

    The Group is a global leading high-end platform-based manufacturing enterprise, providing customers with one-stop services including product design, research and development, components and machine manufacturing, supply chain management, logistics, after-sales and other etc. With a wide range of businesses, the Group engages in diversified market s...

    本集團是全球領先的平台型高端製造企業,專注於為客戶提供產品設計與研發、零組件及整機製造、供應鏈管理、物流及售後等一站式服務。本集團業務廣泛,涵蓋消費電子、新型智能產品等多元化領域。依託於業界領先的研發和製造實力、高效規模化的生產經驗、多元的產品組合以及豐厚的客戶資源,本集團積極提升市場份額,持續優化業務結構,在嚴峻的市場環境下業務彰顯強勁韌性,已邁入新一輪的高質高速成長週期。 消費電子業務方面,本集團憑藉頂尖的研發及堅實的產品設計製造實力,持續深挖大客戶需求,強化與大客戶的戰略合作,故此在市場不景氣下仍實現市場份額提升及收入增長,進一步夯實其行業龍頭地位。本集團積極拓展海外大客戶業務,持續提升了市場份額和出貨量,強化在其供應鏈中的地位,新品類的結構件項目量產進展良好,業務保持增長動力。本集團...

    The Group will adhere to its development strategy, strengthen the independency and controllability of its core technologies, and continue to enhance the competitiveness of its products; it will reach out to the market in depth, and continue to promote the construction of a multi-brand matrix in line with consumer demands; and with its comprehensive...


    本集團將堅定發展戰略,強化核心技術的自主可控,持續提升產品競爭力;深度觸達市場,以消費者需求為導向,持續推進多品牌矩陣建設;加速推進出海進程,以新能源汽車領域的全面實力,為全球消費者提供卓越的新能源汽車體驗。八月,本集團第500萬輛新能源汽車下線,成為全球首家達成這一里程碑的車企,為全球汽車工業變革注入中國汽車力量。 管理層討論及分析 In the field of new energy passenger vehicles, the Group will continue to deepen the R&D of core technologies for new energy vehicles and strengthen the industry-leading strengths. ...

    In the second half of 2023, the Group will closely monitor the market development trend and continue to capitalize on the market opportunities by stepping up its efforts in core technology research and development and innovation, further consolidating its vertically-integrated strengths and reinforcing its key account strategy. While maintaining ou...

    二零二三年下半年,本集團將密切注視市場發展趨勢,繼續把握市場機遇,加大佈局核心技術研發及創新,進一步鞏固垂直整合優勢,強化大客戶策略。在保持傳統業務的行業領先地位的同時,加快完善前瞻佈局的新興業務相關產品線,全速推動業務發展,帶動本集團業務及收入規模持續增長。 消費電子業務方面,本集團將繼續鞏固綜合競爭優勢,進一步提升市場份額。本集團將繼續深入挖掘海外大客戶的核心業務潛力,持續提高核心產品的份額,積極開拓新品類領域,進一步壯大業務規模。同時,本集團將加強與安卓領域在中高端產品的戰略合作,持續擴大技術領先優勢,進一步鞏固本集團的市場領導地位。 新型智能產品業務方面,人工智能及機器人等新興技術發展一日千里,推動應用場景多元化發展,同時催生更多新市場需求,本集團前瞻佈局的智能家居、遊戲硬件、無人機...

    Most of the Group’s income and expenditure are settled in RMB and US dollar. During the Period, the Group did not experience any significant difficulties in or impacts on its operations or liquidity due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates. The Directors believe that the Group has sufficient foreign exchange to meet its own foreign exchange r...


    於二零二三年一月一日未解鎖A 股股票數目 於本報告期內授予的未解鎖 A 股股票數目 No. of A shares cancelled during the reporting period No. of A shares lapsed during the reporting period 於本報告期內解鎖的A 股股票數目於本報告期內註銷的A 股股票數目

    於二零二三年六月三十日,本公司的股本如下: Number of Approximate shares in issue percentage (%)

    管理層討論及分析 SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT HELD AND MATERIAL ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS OF SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES During the reporting period, there was no significant investment held, material acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures.

    Code provision C.2.1 stipulates that the roles of chairman and chief executive should be separate and should not be performed by the same individual. Mr. Wang Chuan-fu is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Board considers that this structure will not impair the balance of power and authority between the Board and the manag...

    本公司董事會(「董事會」)致力維持並確保企業管治常規處於高水平。 董事會強調維持董事會的素質,各董事須具備不同的專長,透明度高而問責制度有效,務求提升股東價值。董事會認為,本公司於期內符合上市規則附錄十四所載的適用守則條列,除以下所述的偏離行為外:

    The Board has adopted the Board Diversity Policy, which sets out the approach to the diversity of Board. The Company recognises the importance of diversity to corporate governance and an effective Board. The Board Diversity Policy aims to set out the approach to achieve Board diversity, so as to ensure that the Board members possess appropriate ski...


    董事會已採用多元化政策,其中載有董事會多元化之方針。本公司認同董事會成員多元化對企業管治及董事會行之有效的重要性,董事會成員多元化政策旨在列載為達致董事會成員多元化而採取的方針,以確保董事會根據本公司業務所需具備適當的技能、經驗及多元化觀點。本公司董事會及提名委員會在設定董事會成員組合時,會從多方面考慮董事會成員多元化,包括但不限於性別、年齡、文化及教育背景、專業經驗、技能及知識。董事會所有委任均以用人唯才為原則,並以客觀準則考慮人選,充分顧及董事會多元化的裨益。 管理層討論及分析 The selection of candidates will be based on a range of diversity elements and measurable objectives which...

    本公司審核委員會於二零二三年八月二十八日召開會議,審閱本集團採用的會計政策及慣例,並討論核數、內部監控、風險管理及財務申報事宜(包括截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月的財務報表),其後方向董事會建議批准有關事宜。 審核委員會已審閱本集團截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月的業績。

    董事會不建議派付截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月期間的中期股息(截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月:無)。 管理層討論及分析

    Wang Chuan-fu (Director and President) Lv Xiang-yang (Director) Xia Zuo-quan (Director) 王傳福(董事兼總裁) 呂向陽(董事)

    Current assets Monetary funds Financial assets held for trading Trade receivables Receivables financing Prepayments Other receivables Inventories Contract assets Long-term receivables due within one year Other current assets

    Current liabilities Short-term borrowings Financial liabilities held for trading Bills payables Trade payables Contract liabilities Employee benefits payables Tax payables Other payables Provision Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

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    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

    Through Through other profit comprehensive or loss income Purchases Closing balance Changes in unrealised gains or losses of assets held at the end of the year through profit or loss

  2. 另外, 基於「 亞洲之星」的 頻譜資源優勢, 公司將迅速構建新穎的低軌位(LEO)寬頻互聯網衛星系統Asean Link , 將與高軌衛星網絡合併為「 高軌– 低軌– 5 G 」(GEO -LEO -5 G) 多維度的數據傳輸平台, 未來的6G 架構。. 該網絡將能以巨大經濟規模效益為東盟及大灣區提供 ...

  3. 的賦能下未來我們能做的還有很多例如未來將無人配送車和無人機融入我 們的配送網絡進一步減輕外賣騎手的負擔幫助他們提高配送效率到店酒店及旅遊 2021 年第二季度,我們的到店、酒店及旅遊分部繼續穩定增長,收入同比增加

  4. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconews行業概覽

    無人機 2011年,消費級無人機投入市場,用於物流運輸及空中拍攝電視節目,吸引公眾對該領域 的興趣。就無人機應用的市場份額和研發實力用而言,中國地區在消費級無人機市場上佔據領先 地位,具有競爭優勢。

  5. 使用無人機對監管大樓進 行檢查 基於渦輪增壓器數位孿 生的機器學習,包括完 整的維護歷史和運行業 績記錄 衛星回傳資料到雲端 邊緣數據聚合(船側) 船上渦輪增壓器上的物 聯網感測器 發現機會 商業化小型水電站 3座 總發電能力 每年經常性淨現金收入

  6. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconews技術詞彙

    無人機」 指 通過遠程遙控站控制的不載人飛機 「商品交易總額」 指 商品交易總額,為交易型電商業務的常用指標,原因是部 分市場業者同時以直營及交易服務模式營運,而收益一般 僅為按交易額的某個百分比計算的服務費用形式

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