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    booking is seamless and easy, and all of the trips are vetted - Yahoo

  3. Choose any time of the day to hop aboard and enjoy the beauty of Paris as you cruise. See Paris from a new angle on a Seine River Cruise with live music & wine | by Headout

    1hr Sightseeing Cruise - 15,00 € - View more items
  4. Take the stress out of traveling and book tickets for Seine River Cruises in advance. Find tickets to other top experiences like Seine River Cruises in Paris.


  1. Cruise on the Seine in Paris. Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches® is the leading provider of cruises on the river Seine. Take some time to explore Paris a little differently and uncover the historic heart of the city of lights whilst slipping down its most beautiful avenue.

  2. Book Seine River Cruise tickets. Best sightseeing, lunch, dinner or Paris tour cruises | Tickets starting at €15 | Complimentary meals | Free cancelation

    • 藝術橋
    • 新橋(Pont Neuf)
    • 阿爾瑪橋(Pont de L’Alma)
    • 塞納河遊船

    塞納河上共有多達 37 座橋樑,每座橋樑各具特色,看出去的塞納河風光也各不同,其中連接羅浮宮與左岸的便是「藝術橋」,1804 年完工來自拿破崙 (Napoleon Bonaparte)構想的藝術橋,又稱為情人橋,原本橋上有很多情人鎖,不過飄兒來訪的時候似乎都不見了,不過這裡可以欣賞兩邊西岱島與艾菲爾鐵塔的風光,也是看日落的好地點,橋上還有長椅可以休息。 延伸閱讀:【巴黎羅浮宮攻略】羅浮宮交通、門票、排隊規劃、必看羅浮宮三寶介紹

    而連接了西岱島 (Île de la Cité) 與塞納河兩岸的「新橋(Pont Neuf)」,則是巴黎最古老的橋樑,也是塞納河上最長的橋,從1607 年屹立在塞納河上至今,如果想要搭乘塞納河遊船,其中一個出發碼頭便是新橋(Pont Neuf)碼頭,遊船有很多種方案,比較基本的就是一小時一路開往巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔方向再掉頭回新橋聖母院一帶,沿途可以欣賞到羅浮宮、戰神廣場、摩天輪、艾菲爾鐵塔等景點,建議一定要黃昏夕陽下山時來,可以一次看到塞納河兩岸白天、夕陽和夜景。


    這裡特別介紹一下塞納河遊船,除了上面介紹的純遊船外,也有提供包午餐或晚餐的遊船饗宴,或是搭配巴黎鐵塔登塔門票、觀光巴士的組合;大部分的遊船路線都差不多,從不同碼頭出發,大部分都會行經傷兵院、市政廳、聖母院、聖徒禮拜堂、巴黎古監獄、羅浮宮、協和廣場、大小皇宮、夏佑宮、亞歷山大三世橋、巴黎鐵塔等主要巴黎景點,其中特別要提的是,夏日與冬日的航班時間不同,且太陽下山的時間也差很多,建議想看夕陽的話出發前要上網查日落時間。 以下是網路上販售塞納河遊船的合格旅遊網站,建議怕語言不通或是要現場排隊浪費時間的人,可以事先在網路上先訂,訂好之後只要到現場出示手機電子檔票券憑證即可登船,其實還蠻方便的。 1. 埃菲爾鐵塔免排隊門票 2. 夜遊塞納河、紅磨坊歌舞秀 3. 巴黎市內觀光 + 塞納河遊船 4. 巴黎塞...

  3. Cruise on the Canal Saint Martin and the Seine. 25.00€ / pers. Discover Paris differently! Let yourself be surprised by this unique and atypical cruise which combines the charms of the Canal Saint-Martin, the heart of Paris for Parisians, and the Seine of historic Paris.

  4. Bateaux Parisiens - No. 1 cruise on the river Seine. Sightseeing Cruise. Dive into the sweetness of May by boarding our commented cruises, an unforgettable experience to share with family or friends. From €7.50. Book. Enjoy a very special, magical moment on a cruise in central Paris.

  5. Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches® invites you on a cruise to explore Paris from its best avenue: the Seine. Book online for brunch or lunch in a quirky restaurant, a romantic dinner on the water or simply a guided tour for an original way to visit Paris’ most beautiful monuments, from one of our boats. River cruise Restaurant cruise.

  6. Having a cruise on the Seine by taking a boat ride is the perfect way to discover Paris and to admire the history that makes up its heritage. With Seine.com, you'll find top-quality cruises, dining, tours and events on the Seine River along with great accommodation near the banks at the best rates.

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    river seine cruise