雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Cef Course 相關

  2. 專業烘焙課程,課程務求與時並進,以及提升學員對廚務管理的專業知識和技巧。CEF西廚及烘焙課程. 入行學廚前先修讀課程,更多機遇,專業西廚及烘焙課程,創造機會。提供以實務為主的獨特學習體驗


  1. 八成信貸擔保產品自2012年5月31日推出以來有效協助企業在商業信貸市場取得貸款, 受惠於八成信貸擔保產品的企業數目不斷增加。 為進一步減輕企業的融資負擔和協助企業從貸款機構獲得融資,政府不時為八成信貸擔保產品下合資格的信貸擔保推出優化措施。 八成信貸擔保產品的申請期至2026年3月底。 有關八成信貸擔保產品的特點,包括為企業在還息不還本期結束後逐步過渡至正常還款的部分本金還款選項,請參閱 (1) 中小企融資擔保計劃之產品便覽 ;及 (2) 關於 「部分本金還款」選項的常見問題 。 本計劃下之九成信貸擔保(「九成信貸擔保產品」) 立法會財務委員會於2019年12月6日通過有關撥款後,本計劃下的九成信貸擔保產品於2019年12月16日推出。

  2. 中小企融資擔保費計算機可助您估算 (附註一) 一般貸款在 中小企融資擔保計劃 下所需的擔保費金額。 貸款金額/信貸額度. HK$ $$$$ 擔保比率. 80% 90% 還款年期. 7 年 6 年 5 年 4 年 3 年 2 年 1 年. 貸款形式. 有期貸款 循環信貸. 擔保費繳付方式 (附註三) 一次付清 每年支付. 貸款利率 (年息) % 計算. 擔保費金額. 附註一:此計算機只供模擬及參考用途,有關計算建基於以下假設: 若貸款以有期貸款方式發放,在計算擔保費金額時假設借款人於還款年期內每月以固定金額分期攤還貸款本金及利息。 不同參與計劃的貸款機構可能就貸款收取相關收費及徵費,擔保費金額的計算過程並未有包括這些相關收費及徵費。 若在計算過程中加入相關收費及徵費,擔保費金額可能會相應增加。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2) Success Story 3: An enterprise backed up by the bank to reorganise product lines. Download PDF. 3) Success Story 2: Only two weeks from application to loan drawdown. Download PDF. 4) Success Story 1: Outstanding growth of six times in revenues over three years of an SME supported by bank.

  5. The guarantee fee calculation generated by this calculator is based on certain assumptions and methodologies which are not identical to those used by HKMC Insurance Limited (“HKMCI”) for calculating the actual guarantee fee in respect of a facility with a guarantee under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme.

  6. The HKMC held a seminar on 28 July 2013 about the use of Enduring Power of Attorney and Part II Order under the Mental Health Ordinance in connection with the Reverse Mortgage Programme, and invited speakers from The Law Society of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians and The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists to share their exp...

  7. The SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (“Scheme”)* was launched on 1 January 2011. The Scheme aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) and non-listed enterprises to obtain financing from participating lenders for meeting their business needs to enhance their productivity and competitiveness.

  8. The SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (“Scheme”) was launched by The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (“HKMC”) on 1 January 2011. Since 1 May 2018, the Scheme business has been transferred to and carried on by HKMC Insurance Limited (“HKMCI”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the HKMC. Repayment Term . Relief Arrangement.

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