雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 下載應用程式常見問題. 安卓安裝檔 (APK)下載地址 https://www.citibank.com.hk/english/mbol/app/Citibank_HK.apk. 需要 Android 9.0 或以上版本. 1. 甚麼是Face ID/指紋登入? Face ID 是一種根據在您的Apple iPhone 上存儲的面部測繪圖的登錄認證功能。 指紋登入是一種根據在您的Apple iPhone及Android 手機上存儲的指紋的登錄認證功能;這可代替以花旗銀行網上理財用戶登入賬號和密碼登錄。

  2. The Citi Mobile® App A simpler, faster and safer way of banking is here. Get more with just one app. Designed with you in mind. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you.

  3. Citibank網上理財 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等

  4. Citibank Online. Redesigned for you to make banking easier and quicker so you spend less time banking with more time on your hands. - A full list of all the available banking services on the menu to let you navigate easily. - You can manage all account settings and services under new “Settings & More”, including Personal Information, e ...

  5. a) 基本積分: 憑信用卡簽賬每HK$1 (或其外幣之等值)即可獲1積分; b) 網購積分: 每HK $ 1(或其外幣之等值)網上簽賬可獲額外2積分。. 網上簽賬只包括具有正式付款記錄、且根據相關信用卡組織或商戶收單機構之商戶編號或簽賬類別釐定為網上簽賬的交易 ...

  6. Just activate your digital credit or debit card using Citi Mobile ® App once your application is approved *, even before your physical card arrives, then shop in stores or online just as you would with a physical card. * The service is available to existing customers renewing their credit or debit cards, or applying for their second credit card.

  7. 詳情. 常見問題. 查看全部. 虛擬卡是什麼? 您可以喺卡獲批或獲發後查看您嘅虛擬卡詳細信息 (卡號,卡到期日和虛擬卡驗證碼 (CVV2),並通過Citi Mobile 流動理財手機程式啟用您嘅虛擬卡,然後去進行同商品或服務有關嘅付款。 虛擬卡是新卡? 虛擬卡並不是新嘅Citi信用卡,而是一個新服務等你喺你張實體卡未到時,都可以進行同商品或服務有關嘅付款。 臨時驗證碼 (CVV2)是什麼? 喺Citi Mobile 流動理財手機程式啟用虛擬卡後可以獲得臨時驗證碼 (CVV2)去進行有關付款,成功啟用實體卡之後就由您嘅實體卡驗證碼 (CVV2)代替。 我需唔需要去申請或登記成為虛擬卡用戶? 無需額外申請或登記,您可以直接通過CitiMobile 流動理財手機程式去啟用。

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