雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. to get sunstroke; to get heatstroke; to suffer heat exhaustion
    • 2. heat-stroke; sunstroke

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  2. sunstroke uk / ˈsʌn.strəʊk/ us / ˈsʌn.stroʊk/ noun. an illness caused by spending too much time in strong heat and light from the sun: Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature, but does not sweat. 中暑的人會覺得頭暈,發高燒,但不出汗。.

  3. 由报道可知,“中暑”相应的英文表达为“heatstroke”。 中暑是受阳光直接爆晒而引起,也可表达为“sunstroke”。 此外,日常生活中,我们更宜接触“轻度中暑”,其相应的英文表达为“heat exhaustion”或“heat prostration”(直译:因受热而引起虚脱)。

  4. an illness caused by spending too much time in strong heat and light from the sun: Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature, but does not sweat. 中暑的人会觉得头晕,发高烧,但不出汗。.

  5. 那在英文學習中如何表達“中暑”呢?. 最常用的方式,我們可以 sunstroke 或者 heatstroke。. stroke 有中風,擊打的意思。. 被 sun 太陽或 heat 熱擊打,當然就中暑了。. It’s so hot today, I’m going to get sunstroke if I go out. 今天天氣很熱,如果我出去的話,我會中暑的 ...

  6. 中暑(heat illness) [1] [2],直译名称热致疾病 [3],是因在高温中曝露过久,导致热平衡和(或)水盐代谢紊乱而引起的以中枢神经系统和(或)心血管障碍为主要表现的急性疾病。

  7. 「熱衰竭、中暑英文怎麼說? 分享. 炎炎夏日,一個不小心很容易就會發生中暑或熱衰竭的狀況,今天就來帶大家大略了解中暑與熱衰竭時會有那些症狀? 以及用英文可以如何表達這些不適感? ☀ Heat exhaustion 熱衰竭. Dizziness 頭暈. Thirst 口渴. Cool, pale, clammy skin 皮膚濕涼蒼白. Heavy sweating 大量流汗. Nausea 噁心嘔吐. Weakness 虛弱. ☀ Heatstroke 中暑. Throbbing headache 頭痛. No sweating 無汗. Red, hot, dry skin 皮膚乾熱潮紅. Becomes unconscious 失去意識. 👉 快來發摟A+粉專 英文學習不間斷!

  8. 中暑 - translate into English with the Chinese (Traditional)–English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Cambridge Dictionary +Plus My profile +Plus help Log out

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