雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products.

  2. Citibank Structured Products are hybrid investments made up of equities, indices, foreign currencies, or interest rates as underlying assets. They offer the potential for higher return on investment compared to a standard deposit.

  3. 一login,即時顯示要處理嘅賬戶事宜,例如啟動新卡、繳款提示等. 更多獎賞及優惠. 我哋會因應您嘅個人需要,專心挑選啱您嘅理財產品同服務,仲有更多獎賞及優惠等緊您。 千其唔好錯過呢個機會! 捕捉心水靚價唱外幣. 啓動 Global Wallet 功能,並以心水靚價買入外幣,就可以用您嘅 Debit Mastercard 喺海外網站 shopping 時,直接扣外幣戶口兼 Citi 唔收任何手續費! 了解更多. 理財變得前所未有咁靈活. 全新Pay Later 介面畀您一眼睇晒可以分期攤還嘅信用卡簽賬同賬單,想點還自己話事,找卡數都可以有Choice又Flexible! 其他功能配合您嘅理財需要. 憑分消費. 簡單幾步即可憑Citi積分抵銷最近信用卡指定簽賬. Quick Cash.

  4. With Citibank Personal Online banking, enjoy a seamless and hassle-free digital banking experience right at your fingertips. Manage your finances whenever and wherever you are.

  5. You can enable or disable Face ID/Touch ID/Fingerprint Authentication any time by selecting “Profile” button located in the top left hand corner → Under Profile & Setting select “Touch ID/Face ID”

  6. The annualized percentage rate (“APR”) ranges from 1.78% to 35.78%, with repayment period of 6 to 60 months. The Annualized Percentage Rate ("APR") of as low as 1.78% is calculated based on the monthly flat rate 0.080% with loan amount of HK$3,500,000 and repayment tenor of 12 months.

  7. Please call our Application Hotline at 2860 0379 to check for individualized Monthly Flat Rate. Show more. Citi Personal Loans offer a wide range of lending products and interest rates. Compare loans online and apply for a loan that best suits your financial needs.

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