雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Contact us. To find out how and where to submit your application, see your instruction guide. Use our Web form to: ask about your application. ask a general question about a program or service. give new information about your application. change your contact information. add, change or remove a representative. report a technical problem.

  2. Consulate General of Canada to Hong Kong and Macao, in Hong Kong. We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Hong Kong. We also provide services to Canadians in: Macao.

  3. 加拿大政府將於2024年11 月 1日上午0:00時至5:30時(北美東部時間)對其在線系統進行更新升級。 在此期間,您將無法從網站上獲取eTA申請表。 給您帶來不便,敬請諒解。

  4. Consular services. Telephone: (852) 2867 7348 (this line is not for immigration/visa; ce numéro n'est pas pour l'immigration/visa) Fax: (852) 2847 7561. Email: hkongcanadaconsul@international.gc.ca. Hours of operation: Day. Hours. Monday. 08:30 - 12:30 (Appointment) Tuesday. 08:30 - 12:30 (Appointment) Wednesday. 08:30 - 12:30 (Appointment)

  5. 領事署、移民署、加拿大邊境服務局: 鰂魚涌 華蘭路 25號 柏克大廈 9樓. 行政署:鰂魚涌華蘭路25號柏克大廈8樓. 加拿大香港的代表機關最初期於1923年建立加拿大移民辦事處(Canadian Immigration Office),1929年由貿易專員保祿‧賽克斯(Paul Sykes)建立加拿大貿易 ...

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  7. Consulate General of Canada to Hong Kong, in Hong Kong. Address: 9th Floor, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Service (s) provided at this office: Citizenship services. Consular services.

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