雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 加拿大政府將於2024年10 月 29日上午0:00時至5:30時(北美東部時間)對其在線系統進行更新升級。 在此期間,您將無法從網站上獲取eTA申請表。 給您帶來不便,敬請諒解。

  2. Consulate General of Canada to Hong Kong and Macao, in Hong Kong. We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Hong Kong. We also provide services to Canadians in: Macao.

  3. To find out how and where to submit your application, see your instruction guide. Use our Web form to: ask about your application. ask a general question about a program or service. give new information about your application. change your contact information. add, change or remove a representative.

  4. 2019年7月1日 · 持香港特區護照入境加拿大,必須事先申請加拿大電子旅行證(eTA)。申請步驟很簡單,無需去領事館簽證中心,只要上官網申請即可,立即看看Skyscanner整理的加拿大eTA申請方法吧!

  5. 到加拿大旅遊少於6個月則需要旅遊簽證/訪客簽證(visitor visa),又稱為短期居留簽證(temporary resident visa)。. 由於香港人屬加拿大的免簽證遊客組別,只要你持有由香港特區政府發出的護照,則可使用電子旅行証(eTA,Electronic Travel Authorization)乘搭飛機進入 ...

  6. Canadian citizens in Hong Kong or Macao. The information below is specifically for Canadian passport applicants residing in Hong Kong or Macao. If you are travelling within Hong Kong or Macao and require emergency passport services, please refer to the Emergency passport applications section of this page.

  7. Consulate General of Canada to Hong Kong, in Hong Kong. Address: 9th Floor, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Service (s) provided at this office: Citizenship services. Consular services.

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