雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年3月15日 · Belle Gibson has been found guilty of misleading and deceptive conduct over her fake cancer claims which saw her make hundreds of thousands of dollars from a cookbook and an app. Consumer Affairs Victoria brought a civil case against Ms Gibson alleging she and her company, which is now in liquidation, had breached consumer law.

  2. 2016年4月5日 · 这部影片描述了一幅黑暗的景象:在中国的控制下,十年后的香港,广东话被禁止使用,抗议者自焚,本地政客遭暗杀…… 据香港端媒体报道,《十年》初期只在个别影院播放,票房不太理想。 公映一个月后,大陆官媒环球时报发表社评,批评《十年》「完全荒诞」、「宣扬绝望」, 「遗害香港」,未料却给影片带来票房提升,并在影院下线之后,继续由公民团体组织在香港各大社区放映,社区观看人数近万人,反响热烈。 据ABC报道,观众Pamela Lam说,虽然影片讲的是十年后的事,但是这正在香港社会逐渐发生,“我担心香港会就这么消逝,成为又一个中国城市”。 香港电影金像奖董事局主席尔冬升早在颁奖礼前指,《十年》按照电影本身的质素,未必能夺得最佳电影,即使能获得最佳电影,“也是社会气氛”所致。

  3. The boom in South Korea's $5 billion plastic surgery industry - the world's largest - is facing a backlash, with formal complaints about botched procedures and dodgy doctors doubling in 2013 from ...

  4. 2017年6月27日 · READ MORE. 香港年轻人“中国认同感”调查报告 1. 以下是部分接受采访的香港年轻人的观点:. BeBe (香港本地人,30岁): 对自己中国人的身份不困惑 ...

  5. The series producer of SBS’ new three-part documentary, Australia’s Sleep Revolution with Dr Michael Mosley, shares how her involvement in the project changed her own approach to sleep.

  6. 2016年4月4日 · 尔冬升随即宣布最佳电影为《十年》。. 《十年》监制蔡廉明致辞时,感谢香港人对影片的支持,并认为香港电影依然充满可能性,用心和诚意去拍 ...

  7. Dr Pierdante Piccioni lost 12 years of his memory after an accident, and Doc is loosely based on part of a book he wrote about what happened. In many ways, Doc is a show for our times. Piccioni fought his way back from his accident - and has been working on the frontline during the pandemic.