雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 东 莞 guǎn 市 ,簡稱 莞 ,是 中华人民共和国 广东省 下辖 地级市 ,位于广东省中南部,是 粵港澳大灣區 的涵蓋城市之一。 市境西北邻 广州市 ,东北接 惠州市 ,南接 深圳市 ,西南临 珠江口 。 地处 东江 下游, 珠江三角洲 东部冲积平原区与粤中低山丘陵区交接带,南部为 罗浮山 余脉,地势东南高、西北低。 东江 沿北边市界往西流至 石龙镇 分成多支干流及水道注入 狮子洋 。 是中国大陸4个不设区的 地级市 之一。 2019年,全市海域面积82.57平方公里。 市人民政府驻 南城街道鸿福路99号 。 东莞为“ 广东四小虎 ”之一,为珠江三角洲重要的商業、高科技產業、服務業、旅遊業、工業化城市,更是国际加工业的重要一员,有“世界工厂”之稱。 历史 [ 编辑]

  2. 4 天前 · 東 莞 ( gun2 ) 市,簡稱莞,是中華人民共和國 廣東省下轄地級市,位於廣東省中南部,是粵港澳大灣區的涵蓋城市之一。 市境西北鄰 廣州市 ,東北接 惠州市 ,南接 深圳市 ,西南臨 珠江口 。

  3. 東莞 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書. 家陣東莞市貌. 乾隆時,東莞縣喺省城東南,歸廣州府. 東莞 ( 粵拼 : dung1 gun2 ),亦寫做 東筦 ,喺 中國 廣東 ,家下係地級市,叫 東莞市 。 東莞原本係 縣 來,叫 東莞縣 。 地理. 山. 東莞南有 黃嶺 ,東南有 寶山 [1] 。 水. 東莞西南係海,而 珠江 入海口,叫 珠江口 ,呢度亦都有個 虎門 ,又叫 虎頭門 [1] 。 東江 由 博羅 入東莞,聯埋 瀝林水 、 九江水 ,再向西過 黃家山 ,南便又分開,一條出 涌水 ,另又一條入 珠江 ,全部流入海 [1] 。 史. 秦朝去到東漢初年,東莞一帶屬南海郡番禺縣。 到東漢順帝嗰陣,改屬南海郡增城縣。

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DongguanDongguan - Wikipedia

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    In the Pearl River Delta region Dongguan was the first urban area where joint production was implemented between village collectives, local Chinese Communist Party cadre, and foreign investors. In the 1990s this type of enterprise accounted for around 20 percent of all foreign direct investments and approximately 50 percent of exports by the People...

    The earliest traces of human habitation in the area stretch back 5,000 years. In 1839, at the outset of the First Opium War, large quantities of seized opium were destroyed in Humen, a town that now belongs to Dongguan. Several of the major battles of the war were fought in this area.[citation needed] During the Second World War, the city served as...

    Geographically, the city is mostly hilly to the east and flat in the west, with 115.98 kilometers (72.07 mi) of shoreline. The urban center of Dongguan is 50 kilometers (31 mi) from that of Guangzhou to its north, 90 kilometers (56 mi) from Shenzhen to its south, 47 nautical miles (87 km) from Hong Kong and 48 nautical miles (89 km) from Macauby wa...

    Dongguan has a dry-winter humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwa), with abundant sunshine and rainfall over the year. It lies just south of the Tropic of Cancer. The average temperature is 22.9 °C (73.2 °F) throughout the year with average rainfall of 1,893 millimeters (74.5 in).With monthly percent possible sunshine ranging ...

    Dongguan had an estimated 6,949,800 inhabitants at the end of 2008, among whom 1,748,700 were local residents and 5,201,100 permanent migrants from other parts of the country. At the 2010 Census the population had expanded to 8,220,237.The number reached 10.5 million by 2020. Dongguan is the hometown for many overseas Chinese, the family origin of ...

    Dongguan is a prefecture-level city of the Guangdong province. An uncommon administrative feature is that it has no county-level division, but the municipal government does group the 32 township-level divisions into six district areas. The city government directly administers four Subdistricts and 28 towns:


    Dongguan is served by Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport, but primarily[citation needed] by Hong Kong International Airport; ticketed passengers to HKIA can take ferries from the Humen Ferry Terminal in Humen to the HKIA Skypier.There are also coach bus services connecting Dongguan with HKIA.


    Many foreign travellers to Dongguan fly into Hong Kong, which gives visa on arrival to citizens of over 170 countries. After landing, visitors must apply for a visa to enter mainland China.[citation needed] One can travel from Hong Kong to Dongguan by bus, ferry, or train. Passengers travelling overland must disembark from their transport at the Hong Kong/China border to go through customs and immigration, except for those traveling on the Mass Transit Railway intercity services (former Kowlo...


    Dongguan serves as one of the regional railway hubs in Guangdong, where the Guangzhou–Kowloon railway, Guangzhou–Meizhou–Shantou railway and the Beijing–Kowloon railway converge. Rail services in and out of the city call at Dongguan railway station where there are direct train services to Guangzhou East railway station in Guangzhou; and Hung Hom railway station in Hong Kong. High-speed rail services are also available at Humen railway station. Among the four metro lines (Line 1-Line 4) planne...

    Dongguan is dubbed as a "National Basketball City" and is the only prefecture-level city with three professional basketball clubs in China. Established in 1993, the Guangdong Southern Tigers are the first professional basketball club in China, and won eleven Chinese Basketball Association(CBA) championships. The city hosted Weightlifting events dur...

    The city and province have been the recent focus of press and journalist attention with coverage of the many young Chinese workers, principally females (so-called factory girls), from agricultural areas who work in the area's factories and manufacturing/assembly facilities, where many are housed in large dormitories, usually several to a room. An a...

    The city is home to 650 educational institutions: one general college, a TV University as well as technical and vocational schools, 550 primary schools and 480 kindergartens. Also, Dongguan is home to a wide range of international schools due to the large expat community. The number of professional teachers, including those at kindergartens, totals...

  5. 東莞縣 是 中國 廣東省 珠江三角洲 東岸昔日的一個 縣 。 始於 東晉 咸和 六年(331年)的 寶安縣 ,至 唐朝 至德 二年(757年)更名東莞縣 [1] 。 縣治由當時的 南頭 遷至 涌 ,即今日的 莞城 。 在唐朝及宋朝大部份時間內,東莞縣所轄領地含今 廣州市 增城區 (原 增城市 )、 東莞市 、 深圳市 、 中山市 、 珠海市 、 澳門特別行政區 及 香港特別行政區 ,至 南宋 紹興 三十一年(1161年),將珠江口對側新出水土地劃 香山縣 止。 明朝 萬曆 元年(1573年),東莞縣的南部被分拆為 新安縣 ,範圍包括今天的 香港 及 深圳 。 及至1985年,東莞縣經 國務院 批准列為 珠江三角洲 經濟開發區,同年9月撤縣建市,即今天的 東莞市 。