在正生書院學習剪髮一年多的弟兄旭軒自2022年暑假開始在長洲Z-Cut實習。 他近日透過日記分享實習的感受和體驗。 旭軒提到在店內實習跟在村內幫弟兄剪頭髮有很大分別,前者壓力大很多,因為萬一剪錯了顧客的頭髮,後果可以很嚴重,難以補救。
正生書院每位同學都有不同的才能,我們一直深信教育應尊重不同人的差異。 今年正生有四位學生報考DSE,無論最後成績如何,都希望他們能在自己擅長的領域發光發亮。
Mission of CZSA. “…If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? Matthew 18:12 (NIV) Recovered drug addicts, like all human beings, are created by God with immense potential.
支持 我們你的 捐獻 讓更多戒毒青年重獲新生.
Contact Us. Address : 香 港 新 界 長 洲 郵 箱 6 8 號. Cheung Chau P.O.Box 68, Cheung Chau, N.T., Hong Kong. E-Mail : almancsc@me.com Tel : +852 90272547 Fax : +852 29849763.
Through Education the walking Dead is Revived
Vocational Training: Integrating Theory and Practise. In Christian Zheng Sheng College, the education is based on "propagating the doctrine, imparting professional knowledge, and resolving doubts."
Support and Donation. Your act of love and donation will help us find more lost sheep, redeeming the youth drowning in a sea of drugs, and guide them out of death and into life. Please make a charitable donation using crossed checks.