雅虎香港 搜尋


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    FoodWise HK is a chain of neighbourhood supermarkets in Hong Kong, offering quality food for busy families.

  2. Background The Food Wise Eateries Scheme (the Scheme) was launched by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in 2015. It aims to encourage eatery outlets to reduce food wastage and food waste generation at source together with customers by offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures.

  3. 咪嘥嘢食譜. 為提高市民的惜食意識,我們邀請了香港的星級廚師分享惜食貼士,提供利用剩食製作的創新食譜,以傳達惜食訊息。. 按此了解更多. .nobull { list-style-type: none; } 為推動全民惜食,前環境局於2013年5月啓動「惜食香港運動」,透過多項計劃和活動如 ...

  4. 3.78K subscribers • 127 videos. A Hong Kong-based concept store to inspire health through food and wines, happy to share videos of star recipes and enchanting moments to you.

  5. Furthermore, Food Wise Talks have been held to introduce food waste issues and share practical experience in food waste reduction and recycling with the public. Moreover, the Food Wise Eateries Scheme was launched in November 2015.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. 我們與有關界別的領袖合作,制訂「惜食香港運動」及監察惜食香港運動推行情況。. 於2013年5月18日正式展開序幕的「惜食香港運動」包括多項活動及行動,例如向工商界傳遞及宣揚良好作業方式,以及與政府部門、學校及非政府機構合作,務求動員更多人積極 ...

  8. 價錢: HKTVmall派送貨品. 買滿指定金額免運費>>. Citi HKTVmall 信用卡. 逢星期四專享95折>>. 購物指南. Everuts 全球代購. Everuts實時連線群組. ThePlace 網店平台.

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