雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Gfriend从出道起我就一直在关注,歌一直在听,出了综艺也会看,一开始就是想看看她们到底能不能沿着少时的路走下去,我这人不怎么严苛,风格像少时怎么了,还不准人家走元气少女风了吗...说歌曲像重逢,其实歌曲还真没怎么感觉像,只有编舞里的踢腿动作

  2. GFriend,中文爱称油炸亲故,小女友。四代女团首个瓜榜周冠,2019年排名第16的经纪公司SourceMusic的唯一团体,独女当家扛起公司大梁的小公司之光。刀群舞代表团体之一,二倍速舞蹈认证,托盘舞蹈挑战通关,蒙眼舞蹈认证。

  3. 2021年5月18日 · 毕竟GFriend的上限就那样了,再做下去也不会更火,只会走下坡路,出身小公司的她们能做到今天这人气已经是上限了,还不如趁着现在还有点流量各自开始单飞,或许还能有点出路,等真糊得差不多,再出去单飞,到时更难。

  4. 真是无比怀念她的长发青涩的时候。性格:银河虽然名字很吊,但是性格很软,和严智在队里是女孩子担当;初期镜头面前比较认生,黏队长,私下是个小唠叨…身为领唱没有同队主唱俞宙那么有自信;性格比较踏实,是个小女生,喜欢吃和睡;明明是小可爱却总想走sexy路线。

  5. GFRIEND(여자친구)是Source Music于2015年推出的韩国女子演唱组合,由金韶情(So Won)、郑艺琳(Ye Rin)、丁恩妃(Eun Ha)、崔俞娜(Yu Ju)、黄恩妃(Sin B)、金艺源(Um Ji)六名成员组成。 我觉得这个团能体面散场就已经很好了,发展就不要想了。

  6. GFRIEND主打“阳光少女”这一概念,六位成员以素颜、白色短裙和T恤展现了与她们年龄相符的装扮,音乐多是节奏欢快且朗朗上口的青春旋律,而舞蹈更是没有时下最流行的扭动扮性感的设计,多是以干脆利落的大幅度舞蹈和整齐划一的队形来演绎整首歌曲。

  7. Gfriend is like the Iron Maiden or AC/DC of Kpop. You know exactly what you're expecting, but damn, you're always blown away by the songs. I love this song, and Gfriend too, because in a world of inconsistencies and uncertainties that is Kpop, Gfriend has

  8. This is already the greatest GFRIEND MV of all time for the sole fact that it includes both Blonde Eunha and Brunette Eunha. A gift from the heavens. And Yuju pole-dancing of course but that goes without saying. Why am I sweating all of a sudden

  9. 2021年6月9日 · There's also a pretty active community in the GFRIEND channels in the Superstar games discord, but I'm not sure how long they'll hang on. Hope one of them fit the vibe you're looking for, and hope you stick around the sub. You can always chitchat in the

  10. If the absolute worst happens and GFriend have to disband and it ruins the members' careers, then that's sad but it's ultimately not so important when, for instance, there's a global pandemic or we have to deal with climate change or whatever.

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