雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The designated boarding areas along platforms are marked with the "Women Only" sign clearly indicating the locations of cars that are for women only during rush hour. *Note 1: Morning rush hour starts from the first train of the day to around 9:30 a.m. Times vary depending on the line and operation.

  2. 方便遊覽熱門觀光景點. 搭乘東京Metro地鐵,您可以方便遊覽淺草寺、澀谷站前十字路口、新宿歌舞伎町、築地場外市場、東京鐵塔 (神谷町) 、歌舞伎座 (東銀座)等東京熱門觀光景點。. 坐東京地鐵遊東京.

  3. Information regarding special benefits such as discounts when you show an eligible discount ticket to various spots around Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway stations. Tokyo Metro's ticket information. You can search for fares and transfer routes as well as detailed information on tickets and passes.

  4. In some subway stations, you must pass through the fare gates when transferring lines, even when they are both Tokyo Metro lines. In that case, when changing from one Tokyo Metro line to another, pass through the special orange transfer gates. If you take longer than 60 minutes to change trains, you will need to purchase a new ticket.

  5. 無障礙路徑 ※. 詳細內容. 無障礙路徑是指車站利用電梯、斜坡、輪椅升降平台、可供輪椅使用的電扶梯,確保一條以上連接「地面〜驗票口〜月台」的路徑。. 支援無障礙路徑.

  6. 東京Metro地鐵車票資訊。提供票價的計算方式、換乘路線、車票種類以及月票等資訊。 其他車票 可供乘客在5天內自由搭乘東京Metro地鐵全部路線等Greater Tokyo Pass協議會加盟公司的電車、路面電車與部分公車路線的企劃車票「Greater Tokyo Pass」相關介紹。

  7. 1-Day Open Ticket for All 9 Tokyo Metro Lines. Tokyo Metro 24-hour Ticket. This ticket allows you to ride freely on trains for 24 hours, including on the subsequent day*, after it is used for the first time. Tokyo Metro Student 24-hour Ticket. This is a tickets for students, designed specifically for educational excursions such as field trips.