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  1. World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth , approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne . [3]

    • Mythos
    • Primordial history
    • A New World
    • Doom of Draenor
    • Great Wars
    • World of Warcraft
    • The Burning Crusade
    • Wrath of the Lich King
    • Cataclysm

    •Origins of the universe - the universe is created from the clash of the Light and the Void

    •The rise of demons - demons arise in the Twisting Nether

    •The Jailer is banished to the Maw by the other Eternal Ones, and the Arbiter is created.

    •Sire Denathrius pretends to exile the nathrezim from Revendreth.

    Unknown date

    •The coming of the Old Gods - the Old Gods arrive on Azeroth

    •Wrath of the titan-forged - the titans find Azeroth and create the titan-forged to combat the Old Gods

    •The Ordering of Azeroth - life is seeded on Azeroth by the keepers

    •Charge of the Dragonflights - the keepers create the Dragon Aspects


    First War

    0 (Year 592 by the King's calendar) •The Horde enter the Dark Portal and small skirmishes break out with the humans. Rumors spread of monsters in the swamp; most are dismissed as tales. •The Frostwolves are banished from the Horde and begin sneaking north to find a new home. •Blackhand orders the Horde push north and west, far into Stormwind's territories. Many villages and towns are destroyed. •The Bleeding Hollow clan pushes into Stranglethorn Vale but are met with strong resistance from the Gurubashi tribe, and eventually retreat. •The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind begins» •The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind ends« •Warcraft: Orcs & Humans begins» •The Last Guardian (Past) ends« • 1 •To combat the Horde, the Northshire Clerics begin entering the battlefield, the humans' first view of a priest on the frontlines. •The Old Gods begin contacting Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer clan. Cho'gall agrees to follow the Horde, but only for his own motives. •The Frostwolves arrive in Alterac Valley, having almost entirely avoided Azeroth's other races thanks to the elements. •Thrall is born. •Shocked at their child's green skin, Durotan sends messages through the elements to meet with Orgrim near Loch Modan. The two meet to discuss this revelation and go their separate ways. Orgrim sends his most trusted friends with Durotan and his wife, Draka, for protection, but they turn out to be loyal to Gul'dan. They murder Durotan and Draka and leave Thrall for dead, but the infant is soon found by Aedelas Blackmoore. 3 •Redridge falls to the Horde. •The Shadow Council moves their operations to Blackrock Mountain. •The Horde begins their first siege of Stormwind. It's met as a stalemate and the Horde retreat. •Garona is allowed entrance to Stormwind by the word of Khadgar, who warns King Llane about Medivh's fall to the Legion. •Khadgar and Garona go to confront Medivh and a battle ensues. Sargeras' spirit, still inside Medivh, magically ages Khadgar well past his prime. Gul'dan sees the battle through Garona's eyes and frantically connects with Medivh, mulling through the Guardian's memories for more details on the Tomb of Sargeras' location. Khadgar slays Medivh and Gul'dan is put into a coma. The death of Medivh, whose body was still infused with fel, caused a catastrophic explosion, scorching the land around Karazhan into Deadwind Pass and turning Brightwood into Duskwood. •Seeing the Shadow Council's weakness after Gul'dan's coma, Orgrim challenges Blackhand to a mak'gora. The duel ends in Orgrim crushing Blackhand's skull with his family heirloom, the Doomhammer. •Garona and Khadgar return to Stormwind to inform Llane of the Guardian's death. In the battle, however, Gul'dan had implanted thoughts of killing allies into Garona's mind. These messages flared bright in her head once more, and she assassinates Llane. •Stormwind comes under siege from the Horde and the front gates fall. The city falls to fire, and Lothar is forced to gather what refugees he can and flee north. •Warcraft: Orcs & Humans ends« •Cycle of Hatred (Past) ends« •Tides of Darkness begins •Arthas: Rise of the Lich King begins»

    Second War

    4[100] •The Demon Soul is found by orcish warlocks. Alexstrasza senses this and comes to investigate. •Stormwind's refugees with Lothar arrive in Lordaeron. •The human nations gather in response to Lothar's urging and they form the Council of Seven Nations. •The Horde gathers resources and plan their next conquest in pursuit of the refugees. ••World of Warcraft: Ashbringer (Past) 5[101] •Gul'dan creates the first death knights. •The Horde pushes north, conquering Khaz Modan and trapping the dwarves and gnomes within Ironforge and Gnomeregan. •The Council of Seven Nations unanimously votes to form The Alliance of Lordaeron. •The Order of the Silver Hand is founded and begin training the first paladins. •Orgrim builds the orcish fleet in present-day Menethil Harbor, planning to sail around the Thandol Span and into Hillsbrad. •The Dragonmaw clan bind Alexstrasza in Grim Batol with the Demon Soul, forcing the red dragonflight to the Horde's will. •Lothar calls upon an ancient pact, earning the assistance of the Quel'dorei in the war effort. •The Horde sail north but are outmatched by the Kul Tiras fleet. Red dragons chase off the Alliance and the Horde make landfall. 6[102] •The Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills ensues, leaving much of the landscape in ruin. •The Horde frees Zul'jin from human captivity, who in turn pledges his tribe, the Amani, to the Horde's cause. •Garona escapes capture from her handler, Eitrigg. •Horde forces move through the Hinterlands, suffering attacks from the Wildhammer clan of dwarves. •The Horde moves to Quel'Thalas and Gul'dan assists in dismantling the elven runestones, which he later utilizes to create two-headed ogres. •With the assistance of the Horde, the Amani finally begin retaking parts of Eversong. The high elves are pushed back to the walls of Silvermoon, but fail to breach them. Orgrim realizes his resources should be pooled elsewhere and moves his forces southwest towards Alterac, leaving the Amani. Zul'jin would never forgive the Horde for this. •Realizing the might of the Horde, Aiden Perenolde strikes a deal with the orcs. They will be allowed passage through Alterac if they spare his city. Orgrim readily accepts and moves on to Capital City. •The Horde begins their siege of Capital City but is met with a strong opposition. Gul'dan, having finally learned the location of the Tomb, abandons the Horde with the Twilight's Hammer and Stormreaver clans, causing the Horde's loss in the Second War. •Gul'dan raises the Broken Shore and makes his way through the Tomb. Defying Kil'jaeden's plan of turning the Tomb into a portal for the Legion, however, the warlock attempts to take all its power for himself. He and his followers are torn apart by monstrous demons while the rest of his clan is defeated by the Dragonmaw. •Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer clan flee west to Kalimdor. •The Horde flees south but is quickly followed by the Alliance, the Kul Tiras fleet and the Wildhammer clan. •Khaz Modan is liberated and the dwarves and gnomes readily join the Alliance. •Siege of Blackrock Spire - the Alliance lays siege to Blackrock Mountain. •Orgrim slays Lothar in combat but is swiftly defeated by Turalyon and captured. •Khadgar destroys the Dark Portal. •The Second War ends with victory for the Aliance of Lordaeron.

    Aftermath of the Second War

    7[103] •Dal'rend and Maim Blackhand bolster Horde remnants at Blackrock, forming their "True Horde". •Most orcs fled into the wilderness, travelling in small packs or alone. •The Alliance begins the Orcish Internment. •Aedelas Blackmoore is named lord of Durnholde and secretly raises Thrall as his slave. •Nethergarde Keep is established to keep watch over the rift that still exists in the Blasted Lands. 8[104][105] •Ner'zhul reforms what little Horde is left on Draenor. •In search of new worlds to conquer, Ner'zhul tasks Teron Gorefiend and the remaining death knights with acquiring artifacts of power; the  [Scepter of Sargeras], the Eye of Dalaran and the Book of Medivh. •Ner'zhul re-opens the Dark Portal with the Skull of Gul'dan. •Deathwing pledges his flight to the Horde if they'll take a large number of his eggs with them back to Draenor. Ner'zhul agrees. •Teron Gorefiend and the death knights retrieve all three artifacts and return them to Ner'zhul. •The Warsong are tasked with preventing the Alliance from entering the portal, but are beaten back by Turalyon's forces, the Sons of Lothar. •The Sons of Lothar invade Draenor, beating back the Horde to Hellfire Citadel. Ner'zhul flees south with the three artifacts to Karabor, now called the Black Temple. •While searching for nesting areas, Deathwing and his flight come under assault from the gronn. The most ruthless, Gruul, becomes known as the Dragonkiller after nearly killing Deathwing himself. •Ner'zhul uses the power from all three artifacts to call open innumerable dimensional portals. The influx of power tears apart Draenor into what it is today: Outland. •Many orcs fled Draenor to Azeroth and most were captured. Khadgar, still on Draenor, closes the Dark Portal from his side, trapping the Sons of Lothar on a dying world. •Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal ••The Last Guardian (Future) •The Invasion of Draenor •A Thousand Years of War begins •The Birth of the Lich King •Icecrown and the Frozen Throne • 10 •The Battle of Grim Batol •Day of the Dragon •Lethargy of the Orcs •Unbroken[106] •Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer arrive in Kalimdor and establish a base in a cave system beneath Tanaris, seeking to join C'Thun in Ahn'Qiraj. Garona begins assassinating members of the cult, eventually forcing Cho'gall and his followers to flee the area.[107] •War of the Spider[108] 16-17[109] •Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge ••Lord of the Clans (liberating started) •The New Horde ••Lord of the Clans (ending) •The Alliance Splinters •The Kingdoms of Quel'Thalas, Stromgarde and Gilneas leave the Alliance of Lordaeron. •King Genn Greymane orders the construction of the Greymane Wall.[110] •Kel'Thuzad and the Cult of the Damned begin infecting Andorhal's granaries with the plague.[111] 18[112] •Aegwynn uses her power to summon Medivh's spirit on Azeroth. Free of the taint of Sargeras, the Last Guardian decides that he will be the catalyst to unity and decides to warn the other races of the upcoming return of the Burning Legion. •Gelbin Mekkatorque is elected High Tinker of Gnomeregan.[113]

    World of Warcraft

    •King Varian Wrynn is kidnapped. Bolvar Fordragon becomes Regent-Lord of Stormwind. "Varian" later (around the time of the end of The Burning Crusade) returns to the throne. •Deadmines (Classic) •Ragefire Chasm (Classic) •Wailing Caverns •Shadowfang Keep (Classic) •Stormwind Stockade (Classic) •Blackfathom Deeps •Gnomeregan •Scarlet Monastery •Scarlet Monastery Graveyard •Scarlet Monastery Library •Scarlet Monastery Armory •Scarlet Monastery Cathedral •Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs •Uldaman •Zul'Farrak •Scholomance (Classic) •Temple of Atal'Hakkar •Blackrock Mountain •Blackrock Depths •Molten Core •Lower Blackrock Spire •Upper Blackrock Spire (Classic) •Stratholme (Classic)

    Ruins of the Dire Maul

    •Dire Maul •Warpwood Quarter •Capital Gardens •Gordok Commons •In Year 25, the majority of elves, including the Prince Tortheldrin, were killed by the Horde when they raided Dire Maul. The surviving ones fled the ruined city and wandered in the woods for years, trying to wean themselves off demonic power and feel whole again.[126]


    •Warsong Gulch •Alterac Valley

    Before the Storm

    •Invasion of Outland[130] •The Dark Portal Opens under the command of Lord Kazzak. His forces are defeated by the Argent Dawn and Alliance and Horde forces. The latter create settlements in Outland. •••Tyrygosa seems to heal Malygos's insanity. •A Legion counterattack fails. The Portal is briefly closed, but later reopened as Alliance and Horde take the battle to Outland.

    The Burning Crusade

    •Hellfire Citadel •Hellfire Ramparts •The Blood Furnace •The Shattered Halls •Magtheridon's Lair •Coilfang Reservoir •The Slave Pens •The Underbog •The Steamvault •Serpentshrine Cavern •Auchindoun •Mana-Tombs •Auchenai Crypts •Sethekk Halls •Shadow Labyrinth •Gruul's Lair •Tempest Keep •The Mechanar •The Botanica •The Arcatraz •The Eye

    The Black Temple

    •Black Temple •As the attack began, Illidan sent most of his demon hunters to Mardum, the Shattered Abyss, in order to retrieve the  [Sargerite Keystone].[131] Upon their return, the demon hunters find that the Black Temple has fallen and are themselves captured and imprisoned by the Wardens.[132]

    Echoes of Doom

    •The Lich King Arthas reawakens and begins his campaign of conquest anew. •The Scarlet Crusade moves to Northrend in the wake of devastation, forming the Scarlet Onslaught. The Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade are formed at the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel.[136] •Battle for the Ebon Hold •Zombie Infestation •The Scourge begin regular attacks across Azeroth. •Scourge Invasion Stormwind •Scourge Invasion Orgrimmar •Scourge Invasion Theramore

    Wrath of the Lich King

    27[137] •The war against the Lich King begins. •World of Warcraft: The Comic ends« •Arthas: Rise of the Lich King ends« ••Naxxramas •Nexus War: The Wyrmrest Accord, the Kirin Tor, and its allies begin full-scale assaults on the Blue dragonflight and Malygos at Coldarra. •The Nexus •The Violet Hold ••The Oculus •Eye of Eternity •Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate[138] ••Battle for the Undercity •Broken Front ••Utgarde Keep •Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom •Drak'Tharon Keep •Gundrak •Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning •The bronze dragonflight sends heroes seven years into the past to prevent the infinite dragonflight from interfering with the Culling of Stratholme. •Utgarde Pinnacle •Alliance and Horde battle for dominance at Wintergrasp. •Archavon the Stone Watcher is slain at the Vault of Archavon within Wintergrasp Fortress.

    Secrets of Ulduar

    •Ulduar •Yogg-Saron is defeated. Re-origination of Azeroth at the hands of Algalon the Observer is averted. •The second of the Vault of Archavon's four watchers falls, Emalon the Storm Watcher.

    The Shattering

    •Deathwing returns to Azeroth, scarring it with a great cataclysm. •Bloodsworn •••Invasion of Gilneas ••Curse of the Worgen ends« •Gilneas is left in ruins •Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack ends« •The invasion of Gilneas ceases at the Greymane Wall. Though the Forsaken lose their holdings in Gilneas, a truce halts the Gilneas Liberation Front from entering Silverpine Forest. •Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is assassinated by Lord Godfrey but resurrected after Godfrey and his allies are forced to retreat. •Shadowfang Keep •Battle for Gilneas •Kezan is destroyed; the Bilgewater Cartel joins the Horde. •Bilgewater Harbor is built in Azshara. •Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix writes his autobiography, Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince. •The Blood Gate in Zuldazar is destroyed, prompting King Rastakhan to ban the usage of blood magic.[140][141] •••••The Defias Brotherhood is reborn under Vanessa VanCleef after roughly five years of inactivity.[142][143] •Deadmines •Stormwind Stockade •Twilight's Hammer agents ally with Ragnaros the Firelord at Mount Hyjal and attempt to burn down Nordrassil. •Vashj'ir appears. •Throne of the Tides •Uldum •Lost City of the Tol'vir •Halls of Origination •The Skywall is attacked. •Vortex Pinnacle. •Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir is slain permanently. •Conflict breaks out at Tol Barad. •The demons of Baradin Hold are defeated. •Wildhammer Clan rejoins Alliance; Dragonmaw Clan rejoins the Horde. •Twin Peaks •Grim Batol •Bastion of Twilight: Cho'gall and Sinestra are defeated. ••Blackrock Caverns •Blackwing Descent: The resurrected Nefarian and Onyxia are slain.

    Rise of the Zandalari

    •The Gurubashi and Amani trolls unite under the Zandalari. •Zul'Gurub: Jin'do the Godbreaker is killed. •Zul'Aman: Daakara is killed.

    Rage of the Firelands

    •Ragnaros and his minions try to set Nordrassil to flame. Fighting breaks out within the Firelands itself. •The area of Mount Hyjal that was scorched in the Second Battle of Mount Hyjal has been extinguished of flame and the forest has begun to regrow. Agents from the Firelands bypass or destroy the wards and reinvade the area. •Firelands: Sulfuron Keep is sieged. •Fandral Staghelm is killed as leader of the Druids of the Flame. •Ragnaros the Firelord is permanently defeated in the Firelands. •

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