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  1. 卓越理財尊尚. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚提供全方位升級體驗讓您的生活昇華及更與衆不同由即日起至2024年6月30日晉身成為滙豐卓越理財尊尚客戶尊享高達港幣86,300元迎新獎賞當中包括新增資金獎賞理財獎賞全城首屈一指的醫療餐饗旅遊及尊尚生活禮遇以及3個月新資金定存優惠年利率美元定存高達5.2%港元定存高達4.3% [@welcome-offer-deposit-rates])。 受條款及細則約束。 預約會面 了解更多. 立即體驗. 了解更多. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚是一項尊屬和個人化的服務,為在香港滙豐維持平均每日總值餘額至少港幣7,800,000元的客戶提供尊尚獨特的產品及服務。 受條款及細則約束。

  2. Or if you prefer, you can speak to us over the phone instead. Existing HSBC Premier Elite clients. (852) 2233 3033. New clients. (852) 2233 3377. Lines are open 24 hours.

  3. 簡單而言,「社交工程」指一種仿冒他人的詐騙伎倆。 騙徒會以不同籍口,騙取您的信任,讓您自願透露機密資料。 這種手法稱為「社交工程」,是因為騙徒會以高超的社交技巧,操控別人的心理。 他們會像進行建築工程一樣,以謊言“建構”出可信的情境,讓您感到恐慌或緊張而在一時大意下將個人資料和金錢雙手奉上。 社交工程常見手法. 騙徒的常見招數包括偽冒電話、電郵、網頁及應用程式,他們也會偽裝成您的親友,或者是為人信賴的機構人員,例如銀行職員、電信公司、甚至政府機構及警察,要求您交出賬戶密碼等個人敏感資料。 一般而言,他們的攻擊手法主要分為兩種: 漁翁撒網式. 騙徒會以「廣度代替深度」,到處發放詐騙資料尋找上釣的受害人。

  4. Mr Lee’s overseas retirement plan 20 Contents Contents 02 What does retirement mean to you? Foreword Retirement means di˜erent things to di˜erent people: financial independence, a lifestyle, a life stage. Some say life begins at retirement, the time when ...

  5. HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited and its subsidiaries ("HSBC Broking") are a group of leading broker dealers in Asia, offering full investment services in stocks, bonds, currencies, precious metals, commodities and derivatives. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, a member of the HSBC ...

  6. Mr Lee chooses HSBC Flourish Income Annuity Plan and dementia protection to meet his needs: USD Year 5 Case: • Mr Lee pays his premiums in the first three years to receive monthly annuity payments 8 from age 58 (4th policy year) for 25 years.

  7. 20191112 EIAP LTC flyer E R1 v5. Dementia Protection. Dementia Protection. Dementia is a progressive disease of the brain, and it is often accompanied by fluctuating emotions and poor verbal expression. In the later stages of the disease, dementia sufferers rely heavily on others to help them with their daily needs.