Academic Asia一直致力保送香港學生至英國頂尖級別之寄宿學校,服務有口皆碑,一切源於Academic Asia 與眾多名校多年來的緊密合作,以及我們專業團隊的敬業精神。
Academic Asia is a leading education agency in Asia, dedicated to helping families secure placements in prestigious UK schools. With partnerships exceeding 300 schools, we offer access to the country's top boarding schools and educational institutions, providing comprehensive support throughout the application process.
Academic Asia 與英國學校及歷屆畢業生建下強大網絡,憑此優勢協助多名 Academic Asia 學生成功獲頒全額學費獎學金,從而得到改變人生的英國留學體驗。 專業精神及顯赫的企業歷史
Academic Asia China was founded in April 1998 in Zhuhai as the first local educational institute to provide professional consultancy service in international education and exchange field. Academic Asia China is headquartered in the UK and has been engaging in
The best advice for the best education since 1980. | Founded in 1980, with over 40 years' consultancy experience, resulting in over ten thousands of student placements in UK schools and colleges,...
Academic Asia Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 4,197 likes · 63 talking about this · 7 were here. Founded in 1980, with over 40 years' consultancy experience, Academic Asia has developed into one of the largest...
馬上瀏覽網站,探索 Academic Asia 為您度身訂造的服務,了解更多實用升學資訊,並發掘AA 學生的成功故事。 網站加入許多新功能,其中包括英國學校指南,資料內容均由校方直接提供,助您快速掌握心儀學校的準確資訊。