雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我如何获取针对我机型最新的驱动程序? 解决方法 在决定是否需要更新您的驱动时,首先去需要确认您的驱动版本。具体可参考文档: 在您确认好您已安装的驱动版本后,再至acer官网驱动下载页面查看您型号的驱动版本 下面以V5-471G为例,首先打开acer官网,将鼠标移动到 服务支持上,在弹出的 ...

  2. AcerSense App使用指南 - Acer Community. AcerSense App使用指南. AcerSense 是一款集成了多种实用 AI 功能的应用程序。. 可帮助用户更好地使用和管理设备。. 例如在图形处理方面,借助 AI 辅助可以更加高效;在视频通话等场景中,可改善通话质量并提升生产力。. 其主要 ...

  3. Acer电脑预装有什么AI软件吗. A: 目前,我们针对的不同的机型,根据性能的不同,会预装不同版本的AI软件;主流的产品会预装:A星人在线版;高性能机型会预装A星人完全版(包含在线+本地大模型);商用系列产品会预装A星人专业版;非凡GO PRO AI由于处理器 ...

  4. 2023年9月22日 · Visit the Acer Drivers and Manuals site. Choose your model by entering your Serial number, SNID or model number. Click on Application. Click the download link for the Acer NitroSense software. Extract the Zip file. Double click on the Setup.exefile to install NitroSense. The opinions expressed on Acer Community are the personal opinions of the ...

  5. I decided to install Vista on the Laptop so I could run eSettings Mgmt, but as you probably realize finding drivers thast will work with Vista for that Acer Model was impossible. Regardless, I installed Vista, then the Management software suite. All looked good except for the fact that eSettings would not allow me to change the Bios password.

  6. 由 DS Team-Acer. 最后更新: 2024年9月2日. A: A星人拥有文生文,文生图,图生图等功能。. 在线功能由百度文心一言提供技术服务,可查询最新的资料,并生成最新的资讯构成的内容,与时俱进但需要收取额外费用。. 本地功能则无需付费,免费试用。.

  7. Experimente fazer o download no link abaixo indicado: Intel Driver Serial IO (2021/10/27 - 30.100.2042.1 - 326.04 KB) Parece que você é novo aqui. Logue ou registre-se para começar. Meu mousepad parou de funcionar. Na página de drivers da Accer diz que para instalar o drive do Mousepad primeiro tem que instalar o drive de E/S Serial.

  8. community.acer.com › en › discussionacer touch portal

    Acer Vero products are eco-friendly and made from recycled or recyclable materials like plastic bottles. With Acer Vero, users can do their bit for the planet while protecting their precious devices. Head to the Acer store and check out our range of fantastic

  9. Search and open the Settings ⚙️ application. In the left column of the Settings window, click Windows Update. To the right, locate Pause updates. Select the dropdown that says Pause for 1 week. You can choose to pause updates for up to five weeks. When you select a length of time, Windows will process the pause and let you know the date ...

  10. 2023年9月22日 · Acer NitroSense yazılımının indirme bağlantısına tıklayın. Zip dosyasını çıkartın. Üzerine çift tıklayın Kurulum.exe NitroSense'i yüklemek için dosya. ; NitroSense yazılımı, CPU ve GPU sıcaklıklarınızı izlemenize ve optimum performans için fan hızını ve güç planı ayarlarını ayarlamanıza olanak tanır ...

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