雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. In 2003, British artist Antony Gormley invited around 300 people of all ages from Xiangshan village (now Huadong Town in Guangzhou city) to make approximately 200,000 clay figurines over five days. There were three simple instructions: each figurine had to be hand-sized, capable of standing up, and have two eyes.

  2. 2021年11月12日 · M+, Asia’s first global museum of contemporary visual culture in the West Kowloon Cultural District of Hong Kong, opened to the public on Friday, 12 November 2021. The museum’s opening displays include Antony Gormley’s Asian Field - an expansive installation of tens of thousands of clay figurines created by the sculptor ...

  3. 2015年11月19日 · Event Horizon is the most extensive public art project ever installed in Hong Kong with support from visionary landlords and welcomed by the HKSAR Government. The work was originally conceived in the year when, for the first time, over half of the planet’s human population were recorded as living in cities.

  4. 英國藝術家Antony Gormley將於香港呈獻其享譽國際的大型公共藝術裝置項目 Event Horizon,香港站名為視界 香港」。 Event Horizon 2007年首次在倫敦亮相,其後在世界各大城市包括荷蘭鹿特丹、美國紐約、巴西聖保羅及里約熱內盧舉行。 在香港, Event Horizon 將由英國文化協會主辦。 Antony Gormley表示:「Event Horizon 標誌着某個存在於某個特定時間的身體 ── 一個主觀的空間。 作品主要是探索想像力和視界的關係,邀請市民參與一個有關尋找和發現的遊戲。 除了你親眼看到的雕塑以外,到底還有多少個雕塑存在? 天際和大地在哪裏相遇?

  5. 2015年12月10日 · Antony Gormley 將於是 11 16 日現身香港,參與由香港英國文化協會及 K11 Art Foundation(KAF)攜手舉辦的公共藝術裝置項目「視界 香港」。 首個活動為主持「再塑空間」免費公開講座,藉此與大眾交流,一起探討藝術如可讓大家重新思考自身與環境的關係,從而了解殖民地、企業、機構、公眾等有關建築物所傳遞的訊息。 與此同時,31個雕塑將會設置在香港中西區多幢高樓及大街上,橫越中西區一公里的公共空間。

  6. 2021年11月3日 · M+, Asia’s first global museum of contemporary visual culture in the West Kowloon Cultural District of Hong Kong, is set to open to the public on Friday, 12 November 2021. The museum’s opening displays will include six thematic exhibitions drawn from different areas of the M+ Collections, which the museum has been building since ...

  7. 2022年3月16日 · Asian Field gives voice to the voiceless and materialises a feeling of our present predicament in a time of migration, protest, overpopulation, and climate emergency. In short, we are confronted with what it is to be human and what we, as humans, are to make of our current existence.

  8. 其他人也問了

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