雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [ˈkæbɪnɪt]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 儲藏櫃; 陳列櫃 a drinks cabinet 飲料櫃
    • 2. 內閣 to be appointed to the Cabinet 被任命為內閣閣員


  2. 2010年5月25日 · May 28, 2010. #6. Pour commencer une lettre, si on ne sait pas à qui on s'adresse : simplement "Madame, Monsieur". On écrit les deux. "Monsieur le Médecin" n'est jamais utilisé, sauf : pour écrire une adresse : "Monsieur le Médecin-Conseil de la Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie" (mais médecin-conseil est une fonction, pas un titre ...

  3. 2014年12月6日 · Après si introduisant une interrogation indirecte, comme en l'espèce, le conditionnel (et le futur aussi) est correct. Ex. : Je voudrais savoir si vous auriez une chambre de libre. (Le premier condit., lui aussi, est un condit. dit "de politesse".) Par ailleurs, on peut écrire (mais dans un tout autre contexte) : Je voudrais savoir si vous ...

  4. 2020年6月8日 · When writing emails, many people use "the captioned subject" / "the caption" / "the captioned" to refer to the subject of the email. Is it a commonly used expression in Western countries? For example: Email subject: Submission of your appraisal. Email content: Please act as per the captioned subject" / "the caption" / "the captioned".

  5. 2010年5月25日 · May 26, 2010. #19. In any event, the use of initials for such honorifics is totally mystifying in AE, except perhaps for the diplomatic corps. Speaking as one who has served in the military and never been entrusted with anything diplomatic, my first response to "H.E." is "high explosive." (Really.

  6. 2007年10月29日 · There was a table with four chairs. [a four-chair table, singular] Neither of them is ready for marriage. [neither one, singular] Neither of them has enough money to afford a car. [neither one, singular] He is one of the best students that have ever come to this school. [of all this school's attenders, plural]

  7. 2009年2月15日 · Senior Member. English & Hindi. Feb 15, 2009. #2. For numéros de télephone there are two types : D = domicile & P = portable. Portable is mobile number. Domicile is the residence phone number. T.

  8. 2012年5月31日 · Gh. English-Ghana. Jun 29, 2018. #14. Cum and come have different meanings so how can the past tense of come be used as past tense of cum. I'll go for cummed. Came is rather the past tense of come which is to move towards something. Look at the word hang (execution). Its past tense is hanged and not hung since both mean different things.

  9. 2006年12月8日 · Lorsque et quand introduisent un événement instantané (généralement décrit pas un verbe au passé composé ou au passé simple), alors que pendant que et alors que suggèrent un événement qui dure (généralement décrit par un verbe à l'imparfait). Ces deux dernières conjonctions ne conviennent donc pas dans votre exercice.

  10. 2012年11月9日 · Senior Member. English - England. Nov 10, 2012. #14. The person 'driving' a boat can change from moment to moment in most boats and ships. The term that describes the person in charge of directing a boat with a rudder or a wheel is the 'helm'. (it used to be helmsman). The verb is 'to helm' the boat or ship. helm.

  11. 2007年10月17日 · 1) It has been a long time since we contacted each other. 2) Long time no see. Too informal . 3) It has been a long time since we contacted last time. . . Although #1 is correct, I prefer: . It's been a long time since we've corresponded. We haven't been in contact for a while.

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