雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Course Fee: $9900 per programme (* course fees are subject to change without prior notice) PT Certificate for Module (Management for Licensed Money Lenders)

  2. 持續進修基金 (CEF) 市面上眾多課程提供者均有提供「ENLS」的合資格課程,而各課程提供者為迎合不同申請人之需要,其課程之質素亦會有所參差。. 因此,我們呼籲申請人要小心選擇課程,考慮自己的實際情況和需要,並就不同課程提供者所提供的課程作出比較 ...

  3. 香港中文大學專業進修學院 (CUSCS): 短期課程, 兼讀制學歷課程, 全日制高級文憑課程, 研究生及學位銜接課程, 網上及遙距課程,持續進修基金課程.

  4. The CEF Application Form [SFO313 (2022)] can be obtained from any HKU SPACE Learning Centres, District Offices, the OCEF, or downloaded from here. The properly filled in Application Form must first be certified by HKU SPACE after course completion by following the procedure stated below.

  5. There are many Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable courses in the market, which are offered by a wide range of institutions / course providers. Courses provided by different institutions / course providers seek to meet the needs

  6. 持續進修基金 遞交申請的注意事項清單. Continuing Education Fund (CEF) Checklist for Submission. 在填寫申請表格前,請先細閱「持續進修基金申請指引」[SFO 312_C (2022)]。 Please read carefully the “CEF Guidance Notes for Application” [SFO 312_E (2022)] before completing the Application Form. 1) 你是否已成功修畢持續進修基金課程? Have you successfully completed the CEF reimbursable course(s) ? 2) 你是否已填妥申請表格甲部的.

  7. Title of course registered with QR Subject Code CEF Course Title Date of Approval End Date of CEF Registration Remarks 43Z112081 8C108-HM Associate in Business (Hospitality Management) 工商業副學士(酒店管理) BHMH2004 BHMH2004 Managing 1-Aug ...