雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 立即申請Citi信用卡,享受各種現金回贈、獎賞及旅遊服務,全面滿足您的生活所需。利用您的Citi信用卡,取得精彩優惠及禮遇。點擊此處立即探索。

  2. Citibank信用卡為您提供精選優惠,更備有多項完善服務,例如八達通自動增值、電子月結單、分期計劃及i-Card express等,全面照顧您所需。 其他信用卡服務

  3. Apply now for a Citi Credit Card to enjoy a wide range of features for every lifestyle and need. Get exciting offers and benefits with your Citi Credit Card. Citi Plus Credit Card is dedicated for Citi Plus Account Holder.

  4. Citi信用卡提供廣泛食買玩行等優惠,比較各類Citi信用卡,根據您的生活方式及需求選擇最佳Citi信用卡。 使用信用卡比較工具並尋找適合您的信用卡。 點擊此處立即探索。

  5. www.citibank.com.hk › online-and-mobile › credit-card-services信用卡服務 - Citibank Hong Kong

    Logon to Citibank Online, which offers smart and simple solutions for all your credit card needs, without having to find a branch or join a queue.

  6. We are with you at all times and you may view your bank or credit card statements on the Citi Mobile App or Citibank Online, while your advices may be viewed or downloaded via Citibank Online. Stay safe!

  7. 透過花旗銀行 (香港)表格中心,您可輕鬆下載各類銀行服務表格,亦可即時上載證明文件及進行網上遞交信用卡之申請。.

  8. Citi Prestige 信用卡優惠 使用Citi Prestige信用卡簽賬可享用不同種類的精彩禮遇及推廣優惠。盡情享用Citi信用卡帶給您的尊屬優惠及禮遇。

  9. With Citi Plus Credit card, enjoy 3x points that never expire on online spending with no annual fee. Level up your life and reap the rewards with Citi plus credit card. live chat

  10. Citi Mastercard專享: 預訂國泰航空機票 即減高達HK$750 Citi Mastercard專享: 預訂國泰航空機票 即減高達HK$750 Citi Mastercard專享: 我們誠意為您呈獻信用卡推廣優惠,立即行動,推薦好友。同時密切留意網上最新資訊,隨時獲享精選禮賞!

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