香港專業電器零售網站,超過24,000件產品,多款人氣電子產品、家庭電器、美容產品、生活時尚等資訊及優惠推廣。 全面O+O線下線上升級服務,線上服務包括Chat&Buy門市產品專員,安坐家中都可以隨時查詢產品資訊,配合Click&Collect網購店取服務,最快即日送貨或自取。 豐澤網店24小時Trade-in電子產品,最快即日換成現金。 豐澤會員專享i-Coin禮遇,每次消費同時賺取易賞錢及i-Coin,以i-Coin換取豐富禮品。 無縫結合線下及線上平台,隨時隨地都能在任何時間、不同平台上體驗產品、服務及購物。
Official website of FORTRESS, offers more than 24,000 consumer electronic products such as informational technology products, home appliance, personal beauty products and lifestyle decorations, as well as information on exclusive promotions and deals on
Beauty Lab by fortress 搜羅世界各地高端先進的電子美容產品,引進多個獨家國際專業美容品牌,為所有女生制定貼身美容家電方案,給予你由頭到腳的美麗需要,只要安坐家中也能享受優質美容療程!
You can choose from a total of 62 Fortress Hong Kong electronics stores, including a shop within Golden Computer Centre (146/152 Fuk Wah Street). Founded in 1975, the company is today one of the most trusted and recognized brand names in Hong Kong, selling a wide variety of electrical and electronics products.
簡介. 作為全港最具規模的電器及電子產品連鎖店之一,豐澤多年來不斷引進最新的產品,致力為顧客帶來更精彩的購物體驗。 曾獲多項顧客服務獎項,以專業貼心的優質服務見稱,在香港人心目中是忠誠可靠的象徵。 連結. 官方網頁. 類別. 電器及電子用品. 更多相關主題. LIVE+ 優惠. 更多商店. 相關優惠. LIVE+會員全年優惠. 購買正價家庭電器或音影產品滿 $2,000 或以上,可享 $100 折扣優惠。 (遊戲電玩及Apple 產品除外) 位置. 401 402 404 406 407 408 410 418 420 OPEN SPACE 418. 豐澤. 你可能感興趣的. 4/F, 408 OGAWA. 4/F, 410 百老滙. 2/F, 219 三星專門店.
Founded in 1975, FORTRESS has grown into the leading retailer of consumer electronics and appliances in Hong Kong and Macau. As a market leader, FORTRESS offers an exciting shopping experience to customers by bringing them the latest products and
Fortress │ ELEMENTS. 位置. 1050B, 1/F , 水區. 電話號碼. 21968252. 營業時間. 星期一至日 11:00 - 21:00. 網站. 立即瀏覽. 可接受ELEMENTS圓方現金券. ELEMENTS 圓方購物現金券. ELEMENTS 圓方電子禮券. ELEMENTS圓方帶指定消費購物電子禮券. 分享. ... 顯示更多. 豐澤創立於一九七五年,作為電子產品及家庭電器零售市場上的領導者,豐澤一直緊貼潮流趨勢,帶來最新產品及相關資訊,為顧客引進更精彩的購物新體驗。 豐澤更是亞洲首間取得「ISF國際影視標準認證」的電子產品及家庭電器連鎖店,有逾百位擁豐富經驗的影音及相機顧問駐店解答顧客問題,使顧客可享有最專業、稱心滿意的服務。
Use our store locator to find the closest retail Fortress store that near you or directly search by district or street name. Brand New Express Delivery Service | Fastest Delivery Within 2 Hours on the Same Day.
L5 502. 2631 6199. 11:00 - 21:00. The latest, the most popular…whatever digital and electrical appliances you can think of, you can find them all in Fortress. Please come in and make your choice.
Fortress 豐澤 is an electronics store, located at Shop 2 & 47, 1/F, Aberdeen Centre, Aberdeen Centre Mei Fung Court, Nam Ning St, Aberdeen, Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2814 7769, visit their website www.fortress.com.hk for more