雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.giftu.com.hkGiftU

    GIFTU美裕禮品是一家禮品訂製公司,服務超過15,000個機構客戶,擁有豐富的禮品案例,可為客戶提供大富翁遊戲攻略、大富翁訂製、大富翁遊戲棋盤、大富翁棋盤、大富翁棋盤訂製、地産大享棋盤、地産大享遊戲、員工禮品、棋盤訂製、禮品定製等服務及完善的 ...

  2. GiftU is the leading corporate and promotional gifts company in Hong Kong, providing only the best for businesses across the city. We provide a diversified and innovative range, delivering premium gift solutions for conferences, product launches, corporate gift baskets and more.

  3. 無論基本禮品、普通商務禮品到高級設計禮品,GiftU都一應俱全,而且產品種類廣泛,有多款選擇,亦會根據宣傳活動既需要,提供包裝設計及印製公司logo服務,令你的禮品變得更加個性化和獨特。 找GiftU 訂造禮品,讓你的客戶驚喜不斷!

  4. 有别于一般的香港礼品公司,GiftU有庞大的专业团队为客户所订造的赠品、纪念品等公司礼品,提供采购、生产、质检、物流、批发等一站式服务,由礼品策划开始到货物的物流,都能配合客户的需求及预算。

  5. HK’s Most Extensive Range of Corporate Mug Gifts. From that first sip of morning coffee to the last cup of tea in the evening, make your brand a part of people’s day. The GiftU range of mugs and cups is offered in a variety of sizes, colours and materials, and are ready to be branded with your unique design and logo.

  6. GiftU现有向品牌企业提供宣传礼品度身订造服务,解决客户对宣传礼品的需求。 是一间本地著名的礼品设计公司,深受品牌企业欢迎,服务包括度身订做企业礼品、生活礼品、创意礼品、员工礼品、品牌礼品。

  7. GiftU是香港領導品牌禮品公司,服務超過一萬間大中小企業客戶,精選創意禮品超過3000款,提供企業禮品、員工禮品、展覧會贈品、生活禮品等訂造服務及禮品推薦。.

  8. eshop.giftu.com.hk賴美裕宣傳製作有限公司旗下品牌以"Give You More"為理念,為顧客優化生活品質。. 提供創意設計產品,務求為顧客提供的最新最潮的生活產品,時尚潮流產品及家居用品等等。. 作為禮品專家,我們有專人負責於世界各地搜羅各樣特別產品,而且有質 ...

  9. A stylish power bank is something your HK clients and colleagues will keep in their bag and use forever. Some of our corporate power bank gifts offer multiple charging ports, and are suitable for both Android and iOS devices including Bluetooth headphones, mobile devices and tablets.

  10. Our USB gifts are tailored to your precise needs, allowing you to give a gift that’s always relevant and appreciated. Available in a range of sizes and designs, and with innovative models for both computers and mobile devices, our range of USB drives and devices gives you real choice.

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