雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 為您及同行旅客於航班起飛前48小時預辦登機,優先預選座位及接收手機登機證.

  2. 为了更好的访问体验,请进行验证.

  3. Check-in for your flight from 48 hours prior to flight departure and confirm seat for you and your companions.

  4. Please check your Online Check-in status via Online Check-in platform and complete the Online Check-in procedures if needed. Available from 48 hrs up to 1.5hrs prior to your flight departure. Confirm your presence (maximum 5 passengers with the same itinerary)

  5. Mobile Check-In is available for Hong Kong Airlines flights departing from 48 hrs up to 1.5 hrs before departure (Online Check-in for Flights to/from U.S., Online Check-in is only available from 24 hours until 1.5hours before departure) ; 2.

  6. 在線諮詢. 預訂香港航空機票至香港及其它亞洲地區城市。 香港航空網站提供訂位管理,預辦登機及航班動態查詢服務。 立即預訂!

  7. Manage your Cathay Pacific flight booking and check-in online for a seamless travel experience.

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