雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港賽馬會「優越」計劃 HKJC Priority Programme. 升級「優越」體驗隆重登場. 「優越」計劃系統現已升級. 「優越」計劃是香港賽馬會市場推廣計劃的一部分,為特選客戶提供一系列禮遇、獎賞和活動,以及優先預訂馬場公眾設施。

  2. Racecourse entrants and those who bet must be aged 18 or above. Don't gamble your life away. No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted. The maximum penalty for betting with illegal or overseas bookmakers is 9 months' imprisonment and a HK$30,000 fine. Don't gamble your life away.

  3. 香港賽馬會「優越」計劃 HKJC Priority Programme. 「優越」計劃是香港賽馬會市場推廣計劃的一部分,為特選客戶提供一系列禮遇、獎賞和活動,以及優先預訂馬場公眾設施。.

  4. www.priority.hkjc.com › chinese › priority-card-privilegeswww.priority.hkjc.com

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  5. The new JC Dollars Programme offers exclusive cash rewards to Members. Members can earn JC Dollars at designated Club outlets when using the HKJC Membership Mastercard. This is on top of the current Hang Seng Credit Card Cash Dollars ("Cash Dollars") earned, which means double rewards!

  6. To facilitate the full enjoyment of privileges by its customers, the Club has decided that all Priority Card holders for the current 2019/20 racing season will automatically retain the status of their Priority Card tiers until the end of the 2020/21 racing season.

  7. 會員於香港賽馬會會員萬事達卡戶口內所累積之 JC Dollars 可於本會指定地點作現金消費,只需於付款前表示使用 JC Dollars ,店員即會代為安排: 1. 消費額 = JC Dollars 結餘:以 JC Dollars 扣除貨品價格之全數. 2. 消費額 < JC Dollars 結餘:以 JC Dollars 全數扣除,餘下之 JC Dollars 可保留下次使用. 3. 消費額 > JC Dollars 結餘:扣除所有 JC Dollars 並以會員卡簽賬繳付差額 (差額可獲贈 JC Dollars 和恒生信用卡 +FUN Dollars) JC Dollars 與 +FUN Dollar 可同時使用.