雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最後更新日期: 2024年6月28日. 香港天文台是一個負責監測及預測天氣、並就與天氣有關的災害發出警告的政府部門。. 天文台亦監測和評估香港的輻射水平,以及為廣大市民和航海、航空、工業及工程行業提供氣象和地球物理服務。.

    • 熱帶氣旋主頁


    • 九天天氣預報


    • 詳細資料


    • 網上時鐘

      網上時鐘顯示香港時間 注意事項: 使用不支援的瀏覽器可能 ...

    • 特別天氣提示

      這連結會以新視窗打開。個人版網站 這連結會以新視窗打開。 ...

    • 潮汐

      實時潮汐資料 潮汐預報 潮汐站照片 2022年香港潮汐表 2023 ...

    • 天氣報告

      香港天文台在發出之最新天氣報告 錄得氣溫,相對濕度百分之 ...

    • 熱帶氣旋路徑

      熱帶氣旋: 熱帶氣旋 路徑概率預測 地理信息系統版 當有熱帶 ...

  2. "9-day Weather Forecast" provides general indications of the trends in weather for the coming 9 days. For detailed description of today's weather forecast, please refer to " Local Weather Forecast ". The Probability of Significant Rain (PSR) forecast provides users with additional reference on rainfall amount and forecast trend for the coming 9 ...

  3. The Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards. The Observatory also monitors and assesses radiation levels in Hong Kong, and provides other

  4. 香港天文台提供的本港地區今日及明日天氣預報.

  5. Current Weather. Bulletin updated at 00:02 HKT 23/Sep/2024. At midnight at Hong Kong Observatory : Air Temperature : 25 degrees Celsius. Relative Humidity : 83 per cent. Weather Cartoon : No. 62 - Light Rain.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. The weather charts are presented to give the public quick access to the information. Only minimal quality control has been applied. For weather charts (isobar/observations) with satellite image, please visit the " Met on Map " website.

  8. Local Weather Forecast. Bulletin updated at 05:45 HKT on 22 Sep 2024. Here is the latest weather bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory. A broad trough of low pressure over the northern part of the South China Sea is bringing showers and thunderstorms to the coast of Guangdong.