雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 300呎、400呎公屋裝修價錢預算|公屋裝修常見問題. 香港地寸金呎土,難得擁有屬於自己的安樂窩,當然會想悉心粉飾一番!. 但公屋始終歸房屋署所有,裝修時有什麼事情要注意呢?. 公屋裝修價錢又是多少呢?. 本文將會先解答一些公屋裝修常見問題,再按300 ...

  2. 選購現成傢俬. 訂造傢俬耗時又昂貴,安裝時亦可能要收取額外費用,想盡量減低裝修報價單上的金額,不妨考慮選用一些現成傢俬。 其實很多傢俬舖都有各式富有時尚品味的商品可供選擇,無需擔心找不到合適風格的傢俱。 再者,選用現成傢俬更可於無需大手改動家中格局下,因應潮流和喜好,隨時改變家居風格。 裝修報價單3大注意位. 雖然精明裝修攻略可為您減低超支危機,但仍不是萬全之策。 如果想進一步避免裝修超支,甚或爛尾的情況,就要在閱讀裝修報價單時,密切留意以下事項。 要點一:細閱裝修報價表. 詳細列出各項工程. 各項工程數量. 各項工程單價. 分項合計. 工程總計. 人工/物料收費計算方式. 付款方式. 合約條款. 工期.

  3. This article will answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about public housing decoration first, an overview of 300 to 400 sq. ft. public housing decoration costs will then be shared as a reference. FAQ 1: Any designated decoration contractors?

  4. Document-free Loans are convenient for the people who get wages in cash because no income proof is required. Apply online and get approved instantly. Learn more now.

  5. 了解詳情. 邦民myPROMISE. 最新影片. 《貸款無需現身,隨時隨地轉數快過數》 Let's GO,邦民全天候應援你! 貸款全程無需. 現身 *,仲用轉數快極速過數 ^,現金瞬間到手! 新客戶獎現金高達HK$15,000 ! 電視廣告. 《邦民應援團放聲為你打氣》 Let's GO,邦民全力應援你! 無論面對任何困境,邦民沿路為你集氣打拼,成就每個my PROMISE,助你輕鬆跨越難關! 電視廣告. 《無需證明文件,現金即到手》 Let's GO,邦民全方位應援你! 無論Freelancer或老闆 ,只需身份證及手提電話就借得 #! 新客戶獎現金高達HK$15,000 ! 電視廣告. 《貸款無需現身,隨時隨地轉數快過數》 Let's GO,邦民全天候應援你! 貸款全程無需.

  6. The interest of Promise's personal loans is calculated on daily basis, which means if you have used the loan for one day, only one day of interest is required if you want to settle your loan earlier, you only need to pay the loan interest for the number of days you have borrowed, instead of the one-month loan interest.

  7. 4 Tips to Increase Your Chance for Loan Approval. If you are facing a major decision, such as studying abroad, moving house or home renovation, a personal loan could be the solution for you. But if the personal loan application is not approved, it will disrupt your plan, and can even put a stop to your dreams.